This category contains articles about people connected to the furry fandom.
Activities: Artists | Convention guests of honor | DJs | Editors | Fursuiters | Ham radio operators | Musicians | Podcasters | Programmers | Puppeteers | Twitch streamers | Writers |
Affiliations: Babyfurs | Dorsai Irregulars | Lifestylers | Milfurs | Otherkin | Therians | Wikifurries (see also Regional groups) |
Staff and administrators: Convention staff - Event staff - Website administrators - Wizards |
About this category
Know about someone? Start an article and add it to this category! In general, it is best to use the name by which people go in the community - either a nickname or their real name. Be as specific as possible, to avoid nickname collisions.
Check out this handy list of people to add and the list of person stubs.
See Help:Furry_Book_of_Style#Articles_about_people for WikiFur article style.
If both nickname and real name are publicly used, write the nickname and use a redirect (#REDIRECT [[NickName]] on its own) to point the real name to it. It's probably not a good idea to link a real name to a person that only goes by their nickname, even if you know it. Some people prefer to be anonymous - please respect that! :-)
If you are listed here but do not wish to be, please read our Personal exclusion policy and (for further explanation), Personal information.
Contents: | Top – 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
CP |
P cont. |
P cont.V |
Pages in category "People"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 12,896 total. To add a page, edit it to include [[Category:People]].
(previous 200) (next 200)