Eat All Furries

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Eat All Furries
Author(s) Owner: Singing Circus Dog, Tensai Nezumi
  • Founder: Singing Circus Dog, Tensai Nezumi
  • Administrators: Singing Circus Dog, Tensai Nezumi (EAF)
  • Administrators: Singing Circus Dog, Tensai Nezumi, Sean (LiveJournal)
Status Online
Launch date August 9, 2002
  • October , 2006
End date August 2004
Genre Furry-centric critic site, social media community
Censor NC17 button.png

Eat All Furries, also known as EAF, is an furry-centric critic forum that enjoyed some degree of infamy within the furry fandom from early 2003 to late 2004. The same name is often used to refer to the collective group of members of the forum.

Like most, if not all, critic message boards and websites, a great deal of its founders and members are or were associated with the furry fandom, whether as artists or fans.

Though the group was frequently accused of being bigoted against furries, EAF claimed to have no agenda apart from making fun of "strange and silly behavior" on the part of furry fans.[1]


The first public appearance of "Eat All Furries" was as a small, single web page filled with ridiculous and outlandish claims about furry fans. Ironically, this page was hosted on Eternal Rain, a fansite that was created for Freya Crescent, a demi-human character of furry interest from the Final Fantasy series of video-games.

Spawned from an inside joke, the page's title was "EAT ALL FURRIES!" and caused a considerable amount of dramatics on a web forum belonging to the page's owner, Tensai Nezumi,[citation needed] a friend of Singing Circus Dog.


EAF as a standalone entity came to being as a separate community in 2003 when Singing Circus Dog created a LiveJournal journal intended to make fun of what the EAF group considered to be the less appealing aspects of the furry fandom. In particular, posting links to "furry LOLocausts" were favored forms of entertainment.

The community was suspended in early 2004 by the LiveJournal's LJ-Abuse team, following complaints from users. When Singing Circus Dog inquired to LJ-Abuse as to the reason behind EAF suspension, she received the following response:

Eat All Furries
At the time of the community's suspension, both the community's user information page and the journal in question contained numerous threatening posts. Communities that are designed specifically to harass or threaten a specific minority, whatever that minority may be, are prohibited by the Terms of Service. While we understand that you may have intended for the community to be a joke, we cannot permit any community whose primary purpose appears to be to incite violence against a particular racial, ethnic, or social minority. As such, the community will not be reinstated.


LiveJournal Abuse Team

Eat All Furries


Shortly afterward, EAF reappeared as an ezboard forum, which became popular, defying the attempts of various detractors to have it shut down (one notable attempt being based on the claim that, since it made fun of furries, it was therefore a "gay bashing" board.)[citation needed]

Toward the latter days of EAF, banning (a previously untouched course of action) was employed to dispose of users deemed particularly tiresome, whether furry or anti-furry.

In its last few weeks of existence, Stiv was granted administrative power and proceeded to ban every user in the forum save a few core members. Generally, the assumption was that the forum had been hacked; however, Singing Circus Dog publicly refuted this assertion.[citation needed]

The forum was finally locked down on September 11, 2004 by the administrators themselves, the opening graphic replaced by an animated MS Paint image of a crying wolf flying into the World Trade Center.[citation needed]

This appears to have been planned greatly in advance and was likely the result of the administrators getting tired of "serious" anti-furries showing up on the forum.[citation needed]

After closing[edit]

Immediately following the closing of EAF, Agahnim, a self-proclaimed enemy of the board, claimed that he and Cool Kovu had spammed and hacked the forum, causing its fall. This is generally understood to be false.[citation needed]

Most of EAF's core membership were invited to join COTI at some point during EAF's existence. Some EAF members, such as rootdown and Stiv, were recruited to EAF from COTI. Much of the original COTI/EAF conglomeration remain cohorts to this day.[citation needed]


On the October 3, 2006, the EAF forum was reactivated by its original administrator, Tensai Nezumi, under her old EAF handle of Nivalis Capistrum, on


The "Purple Monster"
Singing Circus Dog's avatar

Eat All Furries had two flagship characters: the seemingly-spherical "mascot" Purple Monster, and the head administrator's mysterious avatar, the Singing Circus Dog. Stiv's avatar became another iconic figure in the final days of EAF.

For a short time, the banner image of the EAF forum featured two human figures wearing animal ears and tails. These two human characters with furry costume parts were known as Twigfox and Buttbear.


  1. "Eat All Furries" Mission Statement/Disclaimer post by Singing Circus Dog on EAF's website. Retrieved January 6, 2014.

External links[edit]

Critic sites