Improved Anthropomorphics

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Improved Anthropomorphics was a group that believed the "private, personal interests" of certain members of the furry fandom provided an inaccurate public representation of the fandom as a whole, and that this prevented the fandom from "reaching its full artistic and cultural potential".[1]


Improved Anthropomorphics asserted that the fandom's public image was important, and that it was damaged by association with groups which, in their eyes, were not a valid representation of furry fandom. Thus, they particularly disapproved of subgroups of the furry community such as Nazi Furs and babyfurs when such groups managed - intentionally or otherwise - to associate their paraphilias with the fandom as a whole. They hoped to steer media attention away from such representatives, and encouraged members of these subgroups to be discreet about their interests and activities.

The group's members had similar views and goals to a prior group known as the Burned Furs, though they claimed different methods. Where the Burned Furs decided to "institute ourselves as a monkey wrench in the gears of mainstream fandom" and "strongly discourage the support of acts such as bestiality, plushophilia, fursuit sex and other things seen as 'wrong' by non-fandom individuals",[2] Improved Anthropomorphics claimed to "[inspire] change from within by setting a good example". Their motto was "Furry Fans Standing Up for A Better Fandom".


"The Reverend" Ash Maurice Cairo launched the group on November 22, 2005, under the name Burned Furs II. While it adopted the general philosophy of the former group, the only direct association between them was the adoption of the same name and identifying icon. The choice of name and logo was controversial, resulting in resistance to the group from fandom members with fresh memories of the former Burned Furs which had disbanded 4 years prior.

In January 2007, Leam proposed the group should change its name to "Improved Anthropomorphics".[3] In late May, the group announced that this name would be adopted "to avoid further confusion and drama".[1] Other names considered included "Better Fandom" and "Anthropomorphics Unlimited".

In a post on the Improved Anthropomorphics LiveJournal page on August 7, 2008, it was announced that Leam was leaving the fandom and that Cairo was now the only individual still leading the group.[4] Further in this post, Cairo expressed a desire to find a suitable person to help co-chair the group, and even entertained changing Improved Anthropomorphics' name back to its original name, Burned Furs II, as interest in the group began to fade.

By April 2009, the organization's LiveJournal page had gone completely silent and all links associated with Ash Cairo such as, Furry 101, and became defunct in the years following.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Draft PR for LJ/Wikifur/et cetera... - Leam, burned_fur LiveJournal (May 23, 2007)
  2. Burned Fur - Statement of Purpose
  3. New name ideas? - Leam et. al., burned_fur LiveJournal (May 26, 2007)
  4. "Yes. We're still around. Please speak up." on LiveJournal. Dated August 7, 2008. Retrieved April 2, 2024.

External links[edit]

Critic sites