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That Banrai Girl is SO VIOLENT!!!
Hi! This user is a welcomer to all the new folks on WikiFur!
Rc-patrol.png This user patrols the
recent changes.
#IRC This user can usually be found on the #WikiFur IRC channel, and goes by the nick(s) Banrai
LiveJournallogo.png This user has an account at LiveJournal. Their username is   Banrai.

FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is Banrai.

DeviantARTlogo.png This user has an account at deviantART. Their username is Wiggishanks.

SoFurry.png This user has a SoFurry account. Their username is Banrai.
Facebooklogo.png This user has an account at Facebook. Their username is banrai.

DreamwidthLogo.png This user has an account at Dreamwidth. Their username is banrai.

VCLLogoBadge.png This user has an account at VCL. Their username is banrai.

SecondLifeHand.png This user has a Second Life account. Their name is Banrai Nolan.
Furry Weekend Atlanta.png This user has attended
Furry Weekend Atlanta.
MFM-Small-Logo.jpg This user has attended
Mephit Furmeet.
CarolinaFursLogo400.jpg This user has tar on their heel!
They're a Carolina Fur!

But in all seriousness, folks. To find out more about who I am and what I enjoy, feel free to go read the article about me, it should tell you about everything you need to know. Beware, it is a wee bit on the lengthy side. Am I notorious? Probably not. What about infamous? I don't know. All I ask is that you keep your drama to yourself, and please keep the past just that: the past. Everything else is tentative.

Furcode (decode): FDDhwm5adr A++++ C++ Dm++ H--- M++++ P+++ R++ T- W- Z- Sf-- RLA a cln++ d+ e+ f-- h+++ iwf+++ j* p+++ sf*


I'm always very open to chat, that is if you can catch me actually online! Just one thing, please. If you do message me, in your first message let me know how you got my screen name, as sometimes I'm apt to not talk to someone I don't recognize!

  • AIM: BanraiSan
  • MSN:
  • Google Talk:
  • ICQ: 62559493
  • Yahoo: Banrai_San
  • Email:

If I don't answer, just wait a little bit and try again. I have a tendency to leave my message up even when I'm here. You can also catch me sometimes in #wikifur on

Conventions Attended

See the article about banrai. WikiFur User

This is a WikiFur user page.

If you find this page on any site other than WikiFur, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than WikiFur. The original page is located at
