Robin Hood
Robin Hood is an animated film by Walt Disney Studios, first released in the United States on November 8, 1973. The film recounts the traditional stories of Robin Hood with the characters cast as anthropomorphic animals. The casting of each animal has symbolic significance. For example, Robin is the cunning master thief, so he is portrayed by a fox. Prince John, the "king", is portrayed as a lion, commonly known for its regality.
Although the film is generally considered by film critics to be one of the weakest in the company's history (many cited re-use of animation within the film and from older films, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Jungle Book, and The Aristocats), the film was successful upon its release, perhaps due to the strength of the storyline. The film features many original songs written by Roger Miller. However, the critical reception was quite mixed, according to a 50% "Rotten" rating on Rotten Tomatoes.[1]
The film is very popular with and is also an early example of the furry fandom, with its characters being the design inspiration for many furry characters, particularly fox characters. The art style itself in Robin Hood shows heavy influence from former Disney animator Don Bluth, who only seven years later used the character model of Robin as the basis for Justin from Secret of NIMH, another popular movie in the furry fandom, featuring anthropomorphic characters.
- Robin Hood, a fox
- Maid Marian, a vixen
- Little John, a bear
- Prince John and King Richard, lions
- Sheriff of Nottingham, a wolf
- Sir Hiss, a snake
- Friar Tuck, a badger
- Lady Kluck, a hen
- Alan-a-Dale, a rooster
- Trigger & Nutsy, vultures
- Sexton Mouse and Mother Mouse, mice
- Mother Rabbit, Sis, Tagalong and Skippy, rabbits
- Otto, a dog
- Toby, a turtle
- Captain of the guards, a crocodile
See also[edit]
- Robin Hood at Wikipedia
External links[edit]
- Robin Hood (1973) IMDb entry for "Robin Hood".
- Robin Hood Source! A fansite dedicated to the Robin Hood film.
Some of this page is derived from Wikipedia. The original article was at Robin Hood (1973 film). The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WikiFur, the text of Wikipedia is available under CC-BY-SA and the GFDL. |