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Zwoulfe fursuit -cropped-.png
Zwoulfe's partial fursuit
Real name
Other names Zay
Born March 28, 1978
Birth place Toledo, Ohio
Date of death May 24, 2005
Death place Riverside, Florida
Residence Riverside, Florida
Spouse(s) or mate(s) Keobear (2003-2005)
Profession or hobby furry artist, fursuiter
Character species Tiger-wolf
Zwoulfe was an artist who created traditional colored pencil art as well as digital art.

Zwoulfe's fursona was a male tiger-wolf hybrid, with the body of wolf and stripes of a tiger. He also owned a fursuit of his character that he created himself.

Zwoulfe became friends with Keokawa online; the two met in read life at MegaPlex and became mates soon after. On March 27th, 2003 Zwoulfe moved from Toledo, Ohio to Riverside, Florida, to live with Keo.[1]

Zwoulfe died in his home in Riverside, Florida on May 24, 2005, from complication of asthma and flu like symptoms[2] that eventually lead to a severe asthma attack. [3] He was laid to rest in Toledo at his parents' request. Zwoulfe was only 27 when he died.


  1. mateship. (March 8, 2004 post to Retrieved April 29, 2009.)
  2. Live Journal Entry, "Very Very ill/sick in bed temperary down time". Posted May 7th, 2005
  3. sades day. (May 24, 2005 post to Retrieved April 4, 2008.)

External links[edit]