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Official KyFurs Logo

Principal Administrators JousterL
Current Forum Moderators Jouster, Dragoon
Server Location Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Founded 2004
(Unofficial) Mascots Horse & Squirrel
Current Membership 1,061 Users (03/29/13)
Approximate Bandwidth Usage 2.6GBytes (Monthly)
Approximate Page Hits 30,000 (Monthly)

KyFurs (or Kentucky Furs) is a place for furries in and around Kentucky to socialize, chat online, post interesting news, and get involved in local meetups and get-togethers. The official name of KyFurs is Kentucky Anthropomorphic Society (KAS), which is the name used when dealing with non-furry organizations/companies. It has replaced the now-defunct FuzzKYpage, which was started by SlickFox as the main way to meet furries in Kentucky. KYFurs began life as a Yahoo! group started by Caranthir, which still exists, but is now no longer the primary focus of the community.

The organization has public meets at least once a month usually in Louisville or Lexington areas, but also has meets in other cities around the Kentucky area. Meets range from potluck-style dinners, fursuit bowling, CoffeeCons, to large holiday theme-parties (Halloween being one of the largest). Fursuit meets are held during the spring and fall months for those in the local community who are fursuiters or are interested in learning more about suits.

KyFurs also works with other state communities to organize larger meets, and is all inclusive. Members do not need to live in or near Kentucky to be a part of KyFurs.

External links[edit]