ConFeatherence 97

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ConFeatherence was a semi-organised Australian furmeet held in Melbourne over a week in March 1997. It was possibly the last meetup for the "Old School" fans in the country.

Previous organized fan meets in Australia include gatherings at OzCon 4 and OzCon 5.


Notable Events[edit]

  • The guided tour of Melbourne Zoo (with former guide Ch'marr).
  • The "which version of Eric Schwartz' Sabrina do you prefer-- the dumpy nerdgirl, or the Baywatch extra with large breasts" discussion. (Conclusion: nerdgirl for the win.)
  • A BBQ at Ch'marr's place.
  • The "how long can you stick your head in a bucket of ice-water" competiton (winner: Chris, 47 seconds).
  • Paying a visit to Paul Kidd's place.
  • Chris Baird passing on the OzFurry mailing list to Ch'marr.