User talk:Suran

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When you put "or in this wiki at the category * [[Category:Conventions]]" was your intention (A) to put furrymaps into Conventions category .. or (B) to just create a link to the Conventions category? --EarthFurst 14:34, 2 August 2006 (UTC)

You can do the latter with [[:Category:Conventions|conventions]]. --GreenReaper(talk) 01:32, 8 August 2006 (UTC)

advice on giving citations[edit]

Hello GreenRaper. Thanks for clearing up ther article. I never used these ref-tags much. Can you recommend any way to give the required citations for that zoo-porn -redirect without drawing anyone into a possible mudfight? (I did not keep screenshots or similar to not tarnish the name later.)

--Suran 06:53, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

If you want to claim them, the "other people" really have to go on the record as having said that they saw something there. Perhaps a LiveJournal post, or a post on the attached talk page with them signed into a WikiFur account? Something that can be pointed to. I know there is an element of drawing people in, but having them name themselves would be the best bet. Only then can others judge the truth of the statement.
Another option might be for them to tell me, and I would report that some people I trust had said that (if they were people I trusted) . . . but I do not really like that option, as then readers have to trust me and someone else that they do not know the identity of. --GreenReaper(talk) 07:08, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

k9 still available[edit]

My apologies. I went to the pages and the K9 was listed as “Auslaufmodell”/“discontinued”/“discontinued” so I assumed that meant they were not longer available at I have corrected that part of my edit. --EarthFurst 22:21, 3 April 2008 (UTC)


The german version of the file-upload -page mentions a template named "Dateiinfo" to be used. That template does not exist and it is strange to find one with a german name here. Could this be a mistake my owolf, trying to add it to instead? --Suran 07:31, 12 October 2008 (UTC)

It is odd . . . that page was not created by any user, but instead has been set as the default for that message in German on all wikis. In fact, it is incorrect in several ways (for example, it is not just free images that should be uploaded). If you can translate the English one, I would be glad to put that on instead. --GreenReaper(talk) 07:38, 12 October 2008 (UTC)
Sure. (I hope my spelling is right. I proof-reat it but it happens that I miss something in my own texts.)
Mit dem untenstehenden Formular kannst Du neue Dateien hochladen. Mögliche Dateiformate sind für Bilder jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg und für Ton- bzw. Videodateien ogg. 

Alle bereits vorhandenen Dateien sind in der [[Special:ImageList|Dateiliste]] einsehbar. Die zuletzt hochgeladenen Dateien tauchen zudem in der [[Special:NewImages|Galerie neuer Bilder]] auf. Jedes Anlegen, Löschen und Ersetzen eines Bildes wird im Upload-Log vermerkt.

Um das Bild in eine Seite einzubinden, können Verweise der Art [[{{ns:6}}:file.jpg]], [[{{ns:6}}:file.png|alt text]] oder [[{{ns:-2}}:file.ogg]] benutzt werden. Diese enthalten auch gleichzeitig einen Verweis auf die Seite zu dem Bild.

Hinweis: Bitte verwendet aussagekräftige Dateinamen. Wenn nur aus dem Dateinamen auf den Inhalt geschlossen werden kann, handelt es sich um einen aussagekräftigen Namen.

zum Beispiel: gut: Anthrocon2006-Photo-GreenReaper.jpg - schlecht: s21993-a.jpg 
I've updated it with this text - thanks for the help! --GreenReaper(talk) 08:04, 12 October 2008 (UTC)