User talk:Longi

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Welcome to WikiFur! Thank you for telling us about yourself. We here at WikiFur look forward to working with you. Let us know if you need any help not already provided. If you would like help continuing to create your article or any other, don't hesitate to consult the Furry Book of Style or just contact a administrator Have a nice day! :-) --Higgs Raccoon 08:33, 4 August 2008 (UTC)

Article deletion / exclusion[edit]

Hi! I have undone your article blanking. Please contact an administrator for proper exclusion. See WikiFur:PE for more information. If you have a more specific request, I recommend contacting an administrator on their talk page. --Atte 11:10, 8 December 2008 (UTC)


I don't think there's any doubt about your identity, so we can handle this on the wiki. Is it correct that you want both Longi and Comah excluded? Or keep one, and delete or blank the other? Remember that any private or inaccurate information can be removed without deleting the whole page. Or you may wish to use the space to discuss your change of fursona. --Rat 11:11, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Page deletion[edit]

Yes, it is correct that I wish both Longi and Comah pages voluntarily excluded. I will create a singular fursona/character page once I have come to a conclusion. So yes, I'd appreciate it if you would delete both of those pages, thank you.

Comah Page[edit]

If it is at all possible, I would like the Comah page, which is currently "voluntarily excluded" re-initiated, back online. I've reconsidered my decision on this matter, and would like the page back.


I'd like all of my current pages not voluntarily excluded, but deleted. That would be Longi (which is currently voluntarily excluded), Ookami Shichiyou, and Comah. This is because neither of these fursonas apply to me anymore, as I am re-working my entire furry identity.