User talk:Higgs Raccoon

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Note: My involvement with WikiFur is very minor these days, so anything here is not likely to be read/acted upon promptly.

Archives of old stuff[edit]

Current talks[edit]

(new discussions should go at the bottom of the page)


Could G-GLITCH be changed to "Protected-Excluded" and history removed. Thanks, G-GLITCH (talk), 16:23, 8 October 2018‎

Hey, Higgs. I see your latest edit was in July, so I'll handle this. --EarthFurst (talk) 21:04, 8 October 2018 (EDT)

Colleague status[edit]

I replied to your request. Sorry for the delay! Been mostly handling technical issues myself, missed the watchlist email. --GreenReaper(talk) 21:19, 8 October 2018 (EDT)