Hey there I'm wolfmanfur a cartoon fanatic and furry eccentric. I've been apart of the furry fandom since 2008 or 2009, maybe earlier. I was an active furry on Google Plus and Deviantart until it shut down and the other went to shit with its awful community. Now my oldest surviving account of being a furry is furaffinity, it dates back to 2016. I go by many names, but Wolfmanfur (current), Wolfy "Wolfer" Wolfgang (my youtube username due to forced "firstname lastname" over there) and Latex Umbreon (possible future name I reckon with) are names I wanna be addressed by. Any past name other than these I don't wanna be reminded of them, thank you.
- 1 Download, save and archive recommendations
- 2 Favorite artists
- 3 Favorite commissioners/character owners
- 4 Mandatory reflist
- 5 Favorite Pokemons
Download, save and archive recommendations[edit]
Tools I use[edit]
- - fa only - bulk download - works 2024
- - most furry sites - fast download - works 2024
- - fa only - bulk download - works 2024
- 'Pixiv Downloader' - pixiv only - either quick or bulk download - works 2024
- - most sites - bulk download - works 2024
- - Youtube bulk download - works 2024
- - YouTube - bulk download - works 2024
- - most sites - fast download - works, but prone to not detect links correctly
Tools to check[edit]
- - da only - bulk download - untested
- - da only - bulk download - untested
- - pixiv only - bulk download - untested
- - Get full resolution on pictures.
Favorite artists[edit]
Fa doesn't give folks enough freedom to list or order artists I watch, heck i can't even sort favorites into folders the way i want unlike Deviantart and Pixiv which both have this feature! The favorite artists field is also limited.
They are listed by theme or fetish and I try to put artists closer together if they share a similar artstyle or have similar themes going on
Artists who draw big teasy meaty paws
- JammerHighwind (FA)(FAver)
- evillabrat
- Blockman3 [1]
- Futonmania [2]
- Teaselbone
- Sebafox (FA)(FAver)(E621)(FB)
- 3rdharleyjoe
- ricowolfdog/raxelmaestro (FA)(FAver)(FAOld)(FAverOld)
- RazyFoxxo/MilesMeelezz (FA)(FAver)
- bunnehpaws [3]
- Benj24
- RadLizer
- boutin2009 [4]
- 2oonscap3 [5]
- Marquis2007 [6]
- TamerKoh [7]
- CobaltZone [8]
- TheReal_Tails-Chan [9]
- Waptsn431
- SuluQuattro
- DazidentEvil/Katadude (FA)(FAver)(DA)(Pix)(E6)
- GlyFly (FA)(FAver)
- ZP92 (FAver)(E6)
- RZ54 (FAver)(E6)(R34x)(R34us)
- CaseyTheII (FA)(DA)
- BlossonFlower
- ItsDante
- jinusenpai (FA)
- FeetyMcFoot (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- Tooeks
- ShurikenPaw
- IntrovertedPooch (FA)(FAver)
- Oddjuice [10]
- Jusosleep [11]
- IntrdmnsnlDemonDeer [12]
Subset of foot fetishes.
- Footpaws (FA)(FAver)
- Bad-Pierrot (DA)
- Futonmania [2]
- pmarshyy/PMarshmell0 [13]
- DarqLugia (FA)(FAver)
- Alphaws (FA)(FAver)(DA)
- Artkrash (FA)(FAOld)
- 3rdharleyjoe
- ricowolfdog/raxelmaestro
- WrappedMongoose (FA)(FAver)
- Dml26 (FA)(FAver)(DA)
- Teelatee (FA)(FAver)
- pinkfairy (FA)(FAver)
- ayylmao0129 (FA)(FAver)(DA)(Pix)(X)->(alt)
- Dollytraiter07 (FA)
- yingcartoonman (FA)
- Grittykittystimpy (FA)
Tickle torture porn[edit]
Involves ticklegasms and crazy contraptions
- aliscik (FA)(FAver)(E621)
- mcm21 [14]
- Pawfeathers (FA)(FAver)(DA)
- MartinHarris (FA)(FAver)
- dlpeattie (FA)(FAver)(E621)
- Caroo [15]
- Benj24 (FA)(FAver)(E621)
- John_Sludge1987 (FA)(FAver)
- HappyRagdoll/Machroshka (FA)(FAver)(FAOld)(FAverOld)
- Doopnoop (FA)(FB)
- LemonLaughs (FAver)
- EZDBud (FA)
- IntrdmnsnlDemonDeer [12]
- Misterfuchs (FA)
- LucTKArt (FA)
- Siberio (FA)
Subset of foot fetishes.
- Discardigan (FAver)
- YungKnight
- Thaz (FA)(FAver)(FAverOld)
- redfeathers (FA)(FAver)
- evillabrat
- Blockman3[1]
- Futonmania[2]
- BlurTheFur
- Oselotti
- Chinchy
- EccentricChimera [16]
Artists who like drawing art that is toony. Heavy lean on flattening, fattening, inflation, hyper body parts, deflation and transformation fetishes.
- Virmir (Web)(FA)(DA)
- ZincxIron (FA)
- Joltink (FA)(DA)
- Sevegus/CooperTheHusky (FA)(DA)
- Crittergaze (FA)
- fushigidane (FA)(FAver)
- McTaylis (Web)(FA)
- Schrodinger_The_Wolf [17]
- Mizuriba (FA)(FAver)(X)->(alt)
- Frostytropical/OfficerFoxy (FA)(FAver)(FAOld)
- NoahBuddy/Noh-Buddy (FA)(NG)
- LNL (FA)(FAver)
- TantricToons/Idun/JARDToons (FA)(FAver)(FAAD)(FAverAD)
- EccentricChimera/TPman [16]
- boutin2009 [4]
- 2oonscap3 [5]
- Marquis2007 [6]
- TamerKoh [7]
- CobaltZone [8]
- FatalSyndrome
- NoodleFingerz (FA)
- Teaselbone (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- RazyFoxxo
- bunnehpaws [3]
- KitsuneKit (FA)(FAver)
- Kitty Pooka [18]
- GreyofPTA (FA)(FAver)
- Minish- (FA)(FAver)
- kitsovereign (FA)(FAver)
- TehSquishyRay
- Pixel_Star/Itoakami (FA)(FAver)(FAverOld)
- octivepossum (FA)(FAver)
- NotablyDeviant (FA)(FAver)
- TheReal_Tails-Chan [9]
- Raquao (FA)
- AreoAnts (FA)
- yellowvz (FA)
- Nemo
- CrestDraggy
- Chocend (FA)
- Fauvfox
- aFurreak
- GrineX (FA)
- De-Flator (FA)
- Fatsomon (FA)
- Incidental
- AngeloLTD
- ThatOneAceGuy (FA)(FAver)
- Sharpt00th (FA)(FAver)
- CleanPlague
- NightlyDelphox
- the-furry-railfan (FA)
- RhudaRabbit (FA)(FAver)
- flavorfulsweets (FA)(FAver)
- joe-anthro (FA)(FAver)
- pawbdomen (FA)(FAver)
- Virus-20
- Justydia (FA)
- Doodledan86/Wolfdan86 (FA)(FAver)(DA)
- Sheeptastic (FA)(FAver)
- Flashyj77 (FA)(FAver)
- KazJester (FA)
- PorkerPigs (FA)
- tyrotspacecat (FA)
- UndercoverNaux
- Sharpt00th
- staticj3ff
- LightWaveDrake
- k9manx90
- bond750
- Dutch (FA)
- TooniestSkunk (FA)
- ToonyGrey (FA)
- Crittergaze (FA)
- asleepraccoon (FA)
- WoodpeckerToons (FA)(DA)
- yepperspeppers/PinkSundae
Cartoon Porn[edit]
Artists who like drawing art that is both toony and sexxy. Heavy lean on flattening, fattening, inflation, hyper body parts, deflation and transformation fetishes.
- Soul-Silver-Dragon [19]
- dlrowdog [20]
- peketope [21]
- paper_boio (FA)(FAver)
- Tuft~ [22]
- KanjoJolteon (FA)(FAver)
- rubberskunktoo (FA1)(FA2)(E6)(Itch)
- Chinchy
- RedFlare500 (FA)(FAver)(DA)
- Rubbermage (FA)(FAver)
- Toonvasion (FA)(FAver)
- Aygee
- Koolkat/Riilu[23]
- Posexe[24]
- RubberWarhead (FA)(FAver)
- TrinityLight (FA)(FAver)
- CLCoon (FA)(FAver)
- GrayscaleRain (FA)(FAver)
- TheBoris/Borisalien (FA)(FAver)
- Leftcoyo78
- Roksim
- Rabid (FA)(FAver)
- Caste (FA)(FAver)
- roboweiner (FA)(FAver)
- HeavyMetalRules (FA)
- hooboy (FA)(FAver)
- hakuten (FA)(FAver)
- TheInspiredSphynx
Balloon animals/Balloonies[edit]
- Makishi_Ookami
- BuoyantBliss/Sebastos (FA)(FAalt)
- Serp-i-molod (FA)(FAver)
- Tag_the_Tanooki_Dragon
- MrPoloMa/OrangeMario[25]
- Addde
- Kitty Pooka[18]
- Tuft~[22]
- balloonie_reynard (FA)(FAver)(Pix)(Web)
- CrizBN (FA)(FAver)(DA)(Web)
- BlaueSeele/SeaTheDragonBomb
Cute or wholesome Instagram big chungus reddit normie content[edit]
In general terms; artists who draw art that is safe for work. In context of furry; little to no fetish involved.
- Tontaro [26]
- bi-nyo (E6)
- aserora (GEL)
- (EXTREMELY RARELY) Sexotheque (Example 1, example 2)
- (Debatable) PEAR (KYM)
Artists who like drawing characters receiving or giving hugs to other characters or in the case of feral or fluffy characters entrapping other characters in their fur before cuddling them. Usually a 'safe' fetish among normies.
- StarWarriors
- Mriya/
- Caroo [15]
- Machroshka
- Gahowolf
- Sexotheque [27]
- Maootter/StormdragonBlue [28]
- Vir-no-Vigoratus (FA)(FAver)
- EZDBud
- IntrdmnsnlDemonDeer
EXTREME bdsm[edit]
A tier above normal bdsm, the characters end up in inescapable looney scenarios like being permanently milked, permanently transformed into something else entirely or becoming a weird feeding device for an entity. Sometimes with body horror or Eldritch horror themes.
- Spontaneousfred (FA)(FAver)(E621)
- Koolkat/Riilu [23]
- Posexe [24]
- MrPoloMan/OrangeMario [25]
- Soul-Silver-Dragon [19]
A subset of bdsm.
- JAMEArts (FA)(E6)(OC)(YT)
- JigglyJuggle (FAver)
- Trinity-Fate62 (FA)(FAver)(E6)(NG)(X)(Itaku)
- ASaneMan
- Wingal (FA)
A subset of bdsm.
- WrappedMongoose
- Oddjuice[10]
- Impximon
- (Inactive) zuneycat (FA)(FAver)(FB)(DPB)
- SnakeyThingyBoi/Sketchy-boi (FA)(DA)
Sinking in mud or quicksand[edit]
abdl diaperfur[edit]
Adult characters wearing diapers and/or acting like children.
- Sexotheque [27]
- Maootter/StormdragonBlue [28]
- jimmy_rumshot (FA)(FAver)
- BigBearBruno (FA)(FAver)
- Yoshi-eats-your-pie (FA)
- LilChu/Renchu/TheSmolCafe (FA)(X)
- Kurikia
- GoodyOshy
- burritokitten
- jupiters (FA)
- Shuphle
- BunnyKisses
- PampKnightLoth
- brownpanda (FA)
- fang29
- Plinkie_Poi (FA)
- Nyxiette_Nyxstar (FA)
- ShslSadCat (FA)
- The-BluePup
- WoodpeckerToons
- KevynTheRhino
- KingCrazy (FA)
- SaltyDweebus
- Goronic
- KevynTheRhino
- ThesePantsDontFit
- Vir-no-Vigoratus
Toilet furs[edit]
Smell play Farts/Toots/Burps[edit]
Artists who like to draw furs or other cartoon characters farting, burping or using pheromones.
- Sakamata (FAver)(E6)
- Rime The Vixen/Ichkoro (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- RikuAoshi (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- Soomir
- BlossonFlower (FA)(FAver)(DA)(E6)
- 08b2 (FA)(FAver)
Scat/Messy diapers[edit]
- Quality
- dlrowdog
All-time favorites[edit]
This top 10 list is not definitive and is subject to change.
- Caroo
- Sebafox
- Trinity-Fate62
- Alphaws
- WrappedMongoose
- Sexotheque
- Soul-Silver-Dragon
- SpontaneousFred
- Tuft~
- Futonmania
Favorite commissioners/character owners[edit]
- cornchip21 (FA)(FAver)
- Jettrax (FA)(FAver)
- ModestMan (FA)(FAver)
- v-man87 (FA)(FAver)
- HazelDude86 (FA)(FAver)
- Experiment626 (FA)(FAver)
- RaccoonLover (FA)(FAver)
Mandatory reflist[edit]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 (X)->(alt)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 (FA)(FAver)(DA)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 (FA)(FAver)(FAverOld)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ (FA)(DA)(FAver)(E6)
- ↑ (FA)(FAver)(E621)
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 (FA)(FAver)(E6)(FB)(DPB)
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 (FA)(FAver)(FAAD)(FAADOld)(FAverAD)(FAverADOld)
- ↑ (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 (FA)(FAalt)(FAver)(FAverOld)(FAverAlt)
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 (FA)(FAver)(E6)
- ↑ (FA)(FAver)(DA)(Pix)(E6)(X)->(alt)
- ↑ (FA)(FAver)(FAAD)(FAverAD)(FAOld)(FAverOld)
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 (FA)(FAver)(X)->(alt)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 (FA1)(FAver1)(FA2)(FAver2)
- ↑ (X)(E6)(KYM)
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 (FA)(FAver)
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 (FA)(FAver)(FAOld)(FAverOld)
Favorite Pokemons[edit]
Most furry[edit]
Anthro Pokemons that are very at home in our community. They are biped, look like they'd make a good wife or husband and can understand, say or write words.
- Lycanroc midnight
- Lucario
- Salazzle
- Cinderace
- Lopunny
- Braixen
- Absol
- Sneasel and Weavile
- Mienshao
- Incineroar
Honorable mentions[edit]
- Mewtwo
- Zoroark
- Gardevoir/Gallade/Kirlia Some folks may say they aren't furries and maybe there right, so they only get a honorable mention
- Kommo-o
- Meowscarada
- Blaziken
Most funny[edit]
Thse pokemons are perfect for fetish or cartoon art, they fit right in. They look silly, funky or have other visual features that make them fun and toony. They are not always the prettiest or cutest, but I still love them.
- Gligar
- Bibarel
- Smeargle
- Lickilicky and Lickitung
- Skuntank
- Aipom and Ambipom
- Whiscash
- Slowpoke and Slowbro
- Porygon, Porygon 2 and Porygon Z
- Lugia
Honorable mentions[edit]
- Lapras reminds me of Dorrie from Mario
- Tropius
- Charizard
- Latias and Latios
- Treecko
- Snorlax
- Purugly
- Drifloon and Drifblim
- Diggersby
- Goodra
- Ampharos
- Archen and Archeops
- Quagsire
- Meltan
- Ditto
- Carnivine
- Haunter and Gengar
- Muk
- Cofagrigus has funny hands
- Alcremie
All time[edit]
For any number of reason
- Umbreon Looks like it was made of sleek rubber and it has beautiful ruby eyes and alluring rings. Its body shape is very cool too! ♥ω♥
- Buizel
- Meowth Hes better than pikachu
- Furret