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MFFglobe-50px.png This user has attended
Midwest FurFest.
Anthrocon.gif This user has attended
Further Confusion logo.png This user has attended
Further Confusion.
RMFClogo-small.jpg This user has attended
Rocky Mountain Fur Con.
Feral.png This user has attended
Camp Feral!.
RF This user has attended
LiveJournallogo.png This user has an account at LiveJournal. Their username is   rikoshi.

FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is Rikoshi.

Twitter.jpg This user is @Rikoshi on Twitter.

Hey there! As you can probably guess from the title of my user page, my name is Rikoshi. Hello!

I am an anthropomorphic red fox. I tend to be pretty mellow and friendly, and people tell me that I play well with others.

I also happen to be a writer. I've got a collection of short stories up on FurRag, and an account up on FurAffinity. I have two published novels, Thousand Leaves and The Seventh Chakra, both released by Sofawolf Press. I've also got a novella, The Peculiar Quandary of Simon Canopus Artyle, published by FurPlanet as part of the "Cupcakes" line by myself, Kyell Gold and foozzzball.

See the article about Rikoshi Kisaragi. WikiFur User