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Eurofurence logo crop.gif This user has attended
Anthrocon.gif This user has attended
Further Confusion logo.png This user has attended
Further Confusion.
Megaplex5.png This user has attended
LiveJournallogo.png This user has an account at LiveJournal.

Twitter.jpg This user is @woelfisch on Twitter.

FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity.

Hi, I'm o'wolf, a forty-something German guy who perceives himself as a non-metaphorical wolf in a human body. My self-chosen task here on WikiFur is to keep an eye on the Eurofurence related content here and add credit where credit is due. I'm also founder and one of the admins of de.WikiFur.

o'wolf asks to email press inquiries about Eurofurence or the German furry fandom not directly to him, but to

See the article about o'wolf. WikiFur User