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See the article about CosmoSnowmew. WikiFur User

Cosmosnowmew icon.jpg
Cosmo (icon by Davuu)
Born 1986
Profession or hobby Software engineer
Character species Snow leopard

Hi there! I'm Cosmo. I'm a software developer, maker (electronics, model/mechanical engineering and software) and amateur photographer.

You can find my photos on my Flickr account, and there are some more (and some character art) on my Weasyl account.

Fan activities[edit]

I'm a regular on the UK con circuit, and somehow managed to attend every UK convention (JFTW, ScotiaCon, Furcation and ConFuzzled) in 2018. I've also been to Midwest Furfest, Nordic FuzzCon and Eurofurence.

I help out with the LeedsFurs meets, and a member of the Furcation staff.





I own far too many fursuits.

  • Cosmo is a snow leopard -- there are two versions of this suit, the retired "realistic" version built by Faruku, and a newer "toony" version made by Snow Gryphon Suits.
 * He originally debuted (in realistic form) at ConFuzzled 2013.
 * The toony version debuted at Nordic FuzzCon 2018 as a partial ("Cosmo, as the British Rail Guard"), then as a fullsuit at ConFuzzled later that year.
  • Chaos is a blue pangon -- half red panda, half Eastern dragon. He's a natural trickster with a tail that's taller than he is.
  • Syrrus is a fox -- the current version of him was built by several makers. Snow Gryphon made the head, the tail and feet were made by Faruku, the paws by Rae/Scotik and the digitigrade bodysuit by Zan/FursuitsUK.
 * There's a retired earlier version of this suit which was built by Apes and debuted at the LondonFurs meet on October 13th 2012. Sadly this suit is no longer in wearable condition.

Fursona character cameos[edit]

Syrrus has featured in cameo roles in several online comics:

  • Ginpu -- as a background extra in this strip
  • Precocious -- as a TV newsreader in the 8th June 2011 strip)
  • The Cyantian Chronicles -- in the "Darius" arc as a technician aboard the dropship
  • As an "extra" in some of Jan/Tigerknight's artwork and comics


FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is SuburbanFox.
Weasyl logo 200.png This user has an account at Weasyl. Their username is Suburbanfox.
Twitter.jpg This user is @CosmoSnowmew on Twitter.
Reddit alien logo.gif This user is part of /r/furry on Reddit. Their username is u/syrrusfox.
LeedsMeetIcon.jpg This user regularly attends the Leeds Furmeets.
ConFuzzledSquare.jpg This user has attended
Eurofurence logo crop.gif This user has attended
MFFglobe-50px.png This user has attended
Midwest FurFest.