Gryphon's Guild

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The Gryphon's Guild, also known as the GryphGuild or simply The Guild, was created as an online gathering place for fans of gryphons. At the time of its founding, gryphons were not a well known mythical creature, and one of the purposes of the Guild was to get the word out and increase their popularity online.

The community has expanded to include a member's art gallery, Java and #GryphonGuild IRC chat room on FurNet, a message board, e-mail lists, LiveJournal and more.


The Gryphon's Guild was founded in 1994 by Tserisa with the support of Alexander the Gryphen and others. It began as a manually distributed e-mail newsletter. Notable members in the early days included Spice Vachon/Poe Frog and Bry. The first GryphBoard, hosted on Inside the Web, was formed on September 29, 1997. It was soon averaging 40,000 hit counts a month, and is really what got the community going. Inside the Web closed down March 5, 2001, and the Board was officially moved to its new EZBoard location Feb. 2001.

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