The Raccoon's Bookshelf

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The Raccoon's Bookshelf is a archive and formerly a small press for furry fiction run by Mike Regan. It started in 2001.

Originally founded to hold the stories of the SabrinaVerse it has grown considerably over the years and now hosts many long running series, including Identity Crisis, A Fox in the Works, the stories of Cateagle, and the Kayaverse stories. The site also contains a minority of non-furry stories.

The stories on the site were all provided in PDF format. Unfortunately, as of 21 February 2019, the Bookshelf domain is no more and was recently resold with nothing but a web host landing page available.

In 2005, The Bookshelf Store was opened to sell on demand printed books by such authors as Philip Eggerding, Anthony Lion, Jim Lane and Phil Geusz. Its publishing department has since been closed; stock was transferred to Legion Printing.

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Publishing companies