Texas Furry Con

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Texas furry con.jpg

The first Texas Furry Con took place 19-20 March 2004 in Austin, Texas. The attendance was estimated to be around 400, and proceeded like any small furry convention. The event was sponsored by Shiner Bock (the Gambrinus Company). A real-life meeting by players of Furcadia was one of the main attractions at the convention, along with a small dealers room and a few panels. The charitable recipient for the inaugural year was the National Fish and Wildlife's Save the Tiger fund - the charity barbecue was held on the convention's final evening.

One of the more notable events of the convention was an "infiltration" by members of Something Awful.

The convention was funded and organized by kuro-kai (then known as Aisha Rolentaes), who was beset by real life issues afterwards. While she has chosen to not revive the convention due to Texas Furry Fiesta and due to her real-life relocation Northwards, she gives her full support for the new convention.


  • Texas Furry Con 2004 was run the same weekend as Megaplex 3 in Orlando, Florida.
  • The event was referred to as Texas Fur Con in most advertising and on the site in until at least 4 February 2004. Due to Further Confusion's trademark on 'Fur Con' it was changed to Furry Con.
  • Despite many discussions about reviving a furry convention in Texas, it was not until 2009's Furry Fiesta that Texas Furry Con was replaced.

External link[edit]

Texas Flag of Texas.svg
Antarctic Press (publisher)  · Dragon's Eye Productions (created Furcadia)  · FurPlanet (publisher)  · Fuzzy Logic (podcast) (2011-14)  · Gatorbox (game site)  · TedSul Manor (furry house)  · Radio Comix (publisher)  · Steve Jackson Games  · Third Stone Stamps

Discontinued conventions and recurring events
Down Home FurCon · Floof Con · FURSAverance · RAMCon
Key: Proposed  · 1,500+  · 3,500+