Template:Convention resources/Furry Connection North
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Furry Connection North[edit]
Furry Connection North 2013[edit]
- Attendance: 1259
- Photos: Abrahm (Fursuit Photoshoot, Around-the-con photos), Warphammer (general, Who's Line panel on Friday, fursuit parade, sushi panel)
Furry Connection North 2012[edit]
- Attendance: 1179
- Photos: Abrahm
Furry Connection North 2011[edit]
- Attendance: 1021
- Photos: Abrahm
Furry Connection North 2010[edit]
- Attendance: 880
- Con reports: Bandrik Windigard, Deyna Otter, Roby Panther
- Photos: Abrahm, AragonWolf, BJ Buttons, Blazger, Canis Anubis, Drykath, GreenReaper, InfinityFire, Javi Roo, Oddjob, RayvenWolf (parade, outdoor photoshoot) Savant da Rat, Warphammer (indoor photoshoot - parade), Wildfox
- Videos: BJ Buttons (Dances: Saturday, Sunday, random 80s - Method 1 show - furpile), Drykath
Furry Connection North 2009[edit]
- Attendance: 727
- Con reports: Antimon, Chilly, Kiska Nirpaw, Michael Bard, Roby Panther, Xalelydo
- Photos: Antimon, Blazger, Chilly, Drykath, GreenReaper, InfinityFire, Kiska Nirpaw, Silver Kiden, Roby Panther, Wag, Wildfox
- Video: 4WDwolf (1, 2) - AndrewNeo (Will It Blend?), Antimon (Fursuit Olympics: 1, 2, 3), Damaron, Drykath, Fluffz (Barack Obama), Lycwolf, Midwest Cougar, Randewwolf (Fursit Olympics climax), Wildfox (balloon bounces)
Furry Connection North 2008[edit]
- Attendance: 372
- Con reports: Echo136, Latin Vixen, Shiny Puppy
- Photos: Fursuit Photoshoot, Asino, BJ Buttons, Drakeoth and Tigerpaw, Eliana ShadowPaw, Giza, GreenReaper, InfinityFire, KiskaNirpaw, Pandez, Saber, Ramien, Shiny Puppy, Slade Wolf, tigerpaws, Vector, Zhaleskra
- Video: BlueDragon (DDR, Still Alive), Frostcat (fursuit rave: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Ifus (overview/montage), lilgreymouse (Frazzle robbery, Dead Frazzle), MightyTauren (Ann Arbor trip, fursuit parade), Shiny Puppy (DDR), Slade Wolf (fursuit parade), sparkybluefox (2 and Kage, hallway roaming)