Talk:Associated Student Bodies

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Note: Article about Associated Student Bodies has been deleted. --EarthFurst 07:19, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

Verification: Status in Canada[edit]

I just heard that ASB wasn't possible to distribute due to sodomy laws of Canada, but I didn't find anything on that, except the law text (should be "Criminal Code Section 160 (2)). Can somebody please verify or refute if this law has been executed in that manner? --StalkerAT 09:05, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

I would be surprised were that the case. I would imagine that were there distribution issues, there would also have been issues getting copies through customs. Anecdotal evidence: I ordered a full set of ASB through Mailbox Books some years ago, and received them through the mail without mishap, and I know at least one person who bought issues at U.S.A. cons and brought said issues back over the border without problem. (Although it's rare that the people at the border actually go through your stuff at all, let along in any detail, in my experience. Certainly I've never experienced it.) -- Sine 09:11, 18 January 2007 (UTC)
Come to think of it, who would be trying to distribute ASB in or from Canada in the first place? We don't really have a convention up here where such distribution would take place (surely not C-ACE, and I'm not aware of any furry vendors based in this country. I don't think ASB was distributed by general comics retailers, though I might be wrong there. -- Sine 09:15, 18 January 2007 (UTC)
There was a guy in Canada who was the official ASB distributor for Canada. But I forget what his name is and wasn't able to archive ASB site due to its robots.txt file. Maybe ask forum at for more info? --EarthFurst 10:33, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
I believe there were difficulty in getting ASB into Canada. I think the last straw for the furry-fan who was the Canadian distributor was a whole shipment of ASB went missing in transit. --EarthFurst 10:33, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Okay, I see. Thanks, people. I wasn't sure about that anyway. --StalkerAT 21:35, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

ASB and Lion King?[edit]

Hmm, The Lion King came out in 1994 and included Timon the Meerkat. ASB was first published in 1998 and included Timothy (Montgomery) who was also a meerkat. Is there a URL with Lance or Chris saying that ASB Timothy was named after Timon of Lion King ? --EarthFurst 10:44, 25 January 2007 (UTC)