TransFur (convention)

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This article is about the Japanese convention. There is also an art archive called Transfur.
Transfur Nippon logo.png
Status Discontinued
First iteration May 7, 2005
Final iteration December 15, 2007
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: TransFur (convention) resources

とらんすふぁ (TransFur, the "animal transformation event") was the sole furry convention in Japan from 2005-2007. Held in the city of Kawasaki since 2005, the event aspired to cover the full spectrum of furry activities.

It also appealed to related interests such as dragon fandom and had a strong tradition of fursuiting (although non-fursuiters are welcome as well). There was no charge to attend the convention.

A new instance of the event was not scheduled after the fifth iteration. Most of the main organizers instead launched a successor event, Kemocon, beginning in 2008.

TransFur (convention) (edit)
Transfur Nippon logo.png
TransFur 2005
TransFur 2006
TransFur 2007

TransFur staff
TransFur guests of honor
TransFur promotional button


1st TransFur[edit]

The first TransFur convention was held on May 7, 2005 at the BumB "sports and culture hotel" in Tokyo, Japan.
There were nearly 90 attendees.

2nd TransFur[edit]

The second TransFur convention was held on December 3, 2005 in the city of Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan.
There were 120+ attendees.

3rd TransFur[edit]

The third TransFur convention was held on May 4, 2006, in exhibition room 4F of the Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Hall in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
There were 170+ attendees.

4th TransFur[edit]

The fourth TransFur convention was held on December 3, 2006, in exhibition room 4F of the Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Hall in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
There were 170+ attendees. Around 50 members collected for the final photograph.[1]

5th TransFur[edit]

The final TransFur convention was held on December 15, 2007 in Japan.
There were 180+ attendees; 47+ were fursuiters.[2][3]



  1. TransFur 4 diary entry
  2. TransFur 5 event report
  3. TransFur 5 fursuit photograph

External links[edit]

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Ongoing and proposed conventions and annual or quarterly events  · Map
