Swift Fox (person)
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Swift Fox is a furry who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Swift, as his friends call him, is an avid fursuiter, performing as "Ashes" not only at conventions, but also in a public relations role with the Aspinwall Volunteer Fire Department, of which he also fills the role of lieutenant, secretary and training officer.
Since October of 2001, Swift has been the host and now director of the growing Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend which is held annually the first full weekend in October. This event brought 96 registered attendees in for a weekend of fun and fellowship in 2009 and raised $1200 in donations for their charity the Beaver County Humane Society.
He is known through the fandom as a high profile member of the babyfur community who, with the help of others, has worked tirelessly over the years to better integrate the babyfur community into the furry fandom. This they have done by developing a set of Public Behavior Guidelines which have worked to improve its public image.
Since 2001, he has been coordinating monthly fur meets and activities in the Pittsburgh area. He was Programming Director for Morphicon in 2009. He served in Operations at Anthrocon from 2006 to 2008 and currently assists with convention programming as Table-top Gaming Track lead in 2009 and 2010.
Swift stepped down as co-moderater of the Babyfur LiveJournal Community with Miles T.F. Baxxter in 2010 after a decade of service in similar roles to that community.
Swift Fox's species is the Cross Fox, a color variant of the Red Fox. He has held his furry name consistently since 1992, pre-dating his involvement in the fandom by five years.
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