Sub-level 03

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Togosleddog and Wolff
Wolff on stage at FC 2007

Sub-level 03 was a two-person band, Lennox (Wolff) and John (Togosleddog), based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, that created music inspired by and for the Furry Fandom but maintained a broad appeal to all audiences. Their influences ranged from Pink Floyd, Type-O-Negative, and Dead Can Dance to Lesiem, and many of their songs have an industrial or techno feel.

The band's debut album was Music for Dogs. Later albums were Elements of the Paw and A Touch of Pink. The band often features art work of furry artists on CD art and memerabilia and sometimes incorporates furry inspired themes in their music video releases. Sub-level 03 performs at several conventions every year, including Oklacon, and have made appearances at Califur, Mephit Fur Meet, Furry Weekend Atlanta, and Rocket City Furmeet. They were RCFM 2006's Guests of Honor. Their 2006 DVD release Music for Revolution features much fandom footage from convention concerts, the band's history, and all of their music videos including the anthropomorphic animated video The Illusion of Me featuring Wolff's and Togosleddog's fursonas, and the fursuit themed Elements of the Paw

The band's name comes from the movie Aliens. Their music can be purchased from, FurNation, iTunes, or their own website.


  • Music for Dogs - 2002 - performed in 2003 at Festival of the Feral
  • Elements of the Paw (Dirty Mutt Mix Dance Single limited release) - 2004
  • Elements of the Paw - 2004
  • Touch of Pink - 2005
  • Touch of Pink Mephit Fur Meet 9 (special limited release including "Call of the Wild") - 2005
  • Music for Dogs - Remastered - 2006
  • Sub-level 03 - Live at Furry Weekend Atlanta - 2006
  • Music for Revolution DVD - 2006
  • Music for Dogs - Special Edition (limited release) - Features MFD Remastered plus hidden track, Music for Revolution DVD, and special artwork and sticker - 2006
  • Undercover - August 30, 2008

Upcoming Releases[edit]

At Mephit Fur Meet 2009, Sub-level 03 announced they would be going back into the studio to record their next album after the conclusion of their Undercover tour, which culminated with a performance at Furry Fiesta in 2010.

External links[edit]