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Straitfox, or just Strait, also known as Foxy Percival ( or just Percival), FoxyLoxy, Leslie, LycanLucario34, and as Straitfox Ihnen on Second Life, formerly as Asylumfoxy714, InSaNe-REYNARD, and Ramallamadingdong (born December 11, 1986, in California, USA), is a male furry artist and fursuiter.

Fandom involvement[edit]

Straitfox became a furry in 2000 but didn't know what the furry fandom was until 2004, and his first furry convention was the American furry event, Califur.

He is part of the Fur affinity's groups American Furs and SwedishFur


Straitfox's fursona, inspired by watching the Disney animated movie Robin Hood once too many times, is a neurotic, crazy, insane, and lunatic anthropomorphic fox. He can escape bindings and imprisonment, but to his dismay, he always seems to get caught again; he also can morph into any animal at will with a magician's wand, but without it, he is severely limited due to the amount of stress it has on his psyche and identity.

While on vacation in Sweden, Straitfox was inspired with an idea to complement his fursona with a straitjacket, a concept inspired by such characters as Psycho the Weasel from Disney's Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Ripper Roo from the Crash Bandicoot franchise, Muzzle from Disney's Road Rovers, and suggestions by fellow furry red panda, Runtt (Firefox)

His character's personality is that of a very kind and sincere fox who is always good but tends to be stupid when insane. When he manages to escape, he puts on a sorta of suave, gentlemanly attitude.


Straitfox has undergone some changes over the years. His only clothing is a straitjacket, which prevents everybody from seeing his fur pattern underneath. As of late, he has been seen wearing normal clothing, including suits.

Initially a full fox, he became a fox mutt hybrid when he came of age. Since 2022, he has worn a starched white shirt with a high collar and powder blue bow tie, a yellow blazer/pinstripe with red stripes, a red overcoat, brown pants, and spat s for the feet, all topped with a straw/boater hat.

Convention attendance[edit]

- First attended furcon


Straitfox loves to draw, and his artwork is cartoony in style, influenced by such American animators as Don Bluth, Tex Avery, and Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston (two of Disney's "nine old men"), and from furry artists such as Kira T. Wulfe, among others.


Straitfox has had many brusque interactions with furries (and some furry critics) since the 2000s, all online,[1] the reasons range from perceived sleights towards him, his dislike of some users (and viceversa), or even mundane, non-furry disagreements such as the pros and cons of the United Kingdom's Brexit deal.[citation needed] These personal, online "discussions" continue to this day, not affecting the general furfandom in any way.


Straitfox has tried out voice acting, game development, character design, and audio and video editing. He tried animation at one time, and loves to play Sony Interactive Entertainment's PlayStation and Microsoft Gaming's ]Xbox


  1. Straitfox's article's history page (initial issues by users on Wikifur, Dated December 4, 2007. Retrieved January 22, 2025.

External links[edit]

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