Spooo Presents

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Spooo Presents is an adult-oriented anthropomorphic comic book anthology series published by Rabbit Valley Comics since 2005. Stories are generally one to three installments in length, with each issue containing installments from one or two stories.

To date, the majority of material published by Spooo Presents has been aimed at a gay male audience. However, Spooo Presents encourages submissions containing material of any sexual orientation.

27 issues have been published since the series debuted at Anthrocon 2005:

Spooo Presents is notable for using a back-to-back publishing format for some issues, with each of the two stories in issues 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 and 14 beginning on opposite sides of the book.

It is also the first publication to feature the artwork of Chris McKinley since the conclusion of Associated Student Bodies.

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