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A prancing Skiltaire.

The Skiltaire (or Skiltare) are a species of intelligent weasel-like aliens. They were created by Mark Merlino (Sylys Sable) in 1971[1] as a non-human sentient species for a series of science fiction stories. Skiltaire have been depicted by numerous artists, and were selected as mascots of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization and Mark's home, The Prancing Skiltaire.


Skiltaire vary in size, depending on sub-species and gender, but on average have a body length of 1 yard (0.91 m), not including a 1/2 yard (0.46 m) tail. Body weight range is 60 to 120 lbs (27.2 to 54.4 kg) for an adult. They closely resemble Earth mustelids (weasels) and occur in several known subspecies.

The aquatic type looks like a large otter, with a short, broad muzzle, small, rounded ears and a thick, tapering tail.

The arboreal type resembles a marten, with a more fox-like face (though the muzzle is short), and a brush tail.

Arctic skiltaire are similar in body shape to an arboreal with longer fur, snowshoe paws and swept-back antennae that trail over their shoulders.

Savanna (sic) skiltaire have vibrant, short fur that can be various patterns such as spotted, rosetted, blotched or mottled. Their bodies are shorter than those of arboreals and aquatics with long legs like an arboreal and visible muscle grouping on the belly, chest and shoulders. Note that the spelling of savanna differs from Savannah.

The fur of skiltaire can be any color, although aquatics tend to be limited to gray, brown, light blue, tan, or cream. They often have a single wide or multiple thinner stripes that run up their back, from tail-tip to the top of their head, and darker paws (boots) and ear-tips. The stripes can be any color, and are usually much darker or more intense.

A neon skiltaire has a stripe of highly contrasting color, darker in the middle and grading to pastel edges so that the stripe seems to glow. The neon pattern is most common in aquatics because the base fur color of aquatics tends to have less range than their stripe colors and allows the stripe to contrast more strongly.

A flame skiltaire is a color variation exclusive to arboreals where the stripes have the appearance of flames. Flame patterns are frequently seen in leucistic arboreals.

A leucistic skiltaire is one who is born with little or no pigment. Since extremes in appearance can reduce a skiltaire's ability to assimilate with groups, they will often dye their fur to avoid ostracization.

Savanna skiltaire have vibrant, short fur that can be various patterns such as spotted, rosetted, blotched or mottled.

Skiltaire have large eyes with 4-pointed star-shaped pupils. Their ability to see into the infrared spectrum allows for night vision in situations where other entities would perceive total darkness. In addition to their individual visual capabilities, a group of skiltaire can combine low light perception into a shared telempathic stream of vision, allowing all of the collected light to be combined into a clearer scene for everyone in the group. Additionally, this capability allows for remote viewing, with one or more skiltaire acting as eyes for one or more other skiltaire in a different location.

An obvious characteristic on all skiltaire is a pair of 10 inch (25 cm) antennae which grow from just above the eyebrow. The antennae are the detector part of the animal's natural electrostatic field sense ability. The antennae are modified eye whiskers, and are made up of large interlocking sections that have small, back-facing barbs at the junction of each section. Aquatics possess relatively straight antennae, with a single kink at mid-length, whereas the antennae of arboreal are curled into loose spirals.

The body of a skiltaire has tissue below the skin that generates electricity which is isolated from the internal organs, much like those of an electric eel. The electricity produced by the animal is typically used for precise location detection and motion sensing in air (1 to 50 yard = 0.9 to 45 m range) and under water (1 to 100 yard = 0.9 to 90 m range). The electrical effect is used as an intimate greeting between animals, for stimulation during mating (induced ovulation), and also serves as a desperate defense against an attacker (contact only).

In extreme environments, skiltaire have developed features unique to that environment such as extra-dense fur in extremely cold environments (arctic skiltaire subspecies) and very short, vibrantly-colored fur in tropical jungle environments (Savanna skiltaire subspecies).

Skiltaire are 'elite suppressors,' meaning that they are incapable of becoming infected with biological diseases, pathogens, harmful bacteria, airborne virii or other foreign bodies that affect most bio masses. It could be speculated that skiltaire are incapable of hosting pathogens due to incompatibility, since no such pathogens exist on their home planet.

Gender and Gender Identity[edit]

Although skiltaire may elect any gender identity, the observed biological genders have been male, female and hermaphrodite.


The antennae are mutated eye-whiskers. They are protein-case cells that link together, with a thin tendons and nerve endings running inside the hallow shell parts. The tendons are controlled by muscles in the scalp, which can extend or retract the antennae, based on various stimulus. They extend when the skiltaire is using them for it's electrostatic motion sensing ability. The "flaccid" form, folded or curled is designed to get the antennae out of the way from obstacles while the skiltaire is in motion (running, crawling, climbing or swimming). Sections of the antenna may fold like a cantilever (typical of an aquatic form), or curl in a tight spiral (typical for an arboreal form). However, the way an antenna folds and extends can vary between individuals. The hinged cells have slight barbs which facilitate linking when used for mutual bonding/mating stimulus. If the protein cells are damaged, and the tendons and nerve endings are severed, these sections can and usually will grow back, though it takes as long as a year for part of a broken antenna to grow back. If the base area of the antennae is damaged, the antenna may be lost permanently.

The main evolutionary purpose for the antenna is to improve the directivity and sensitivity of the passive and active motion sense ability. Passively, the antenna can detect minute movements in the air via slight differences in the dielectric potential of the air molecules. In active mode, the skiltaire will charge the air with it's natural bio-electric energy, a variable (controllable) frequency pulsed-DC current that is produced in a trans-dermal layer of specialized fat which covers most of the body area. This fatty tissue can produce quite high voltage (much like Earth electric eels), and also works well as an insulator to protect the nervous system and internal organs. Skiltaire are pretty much immune to electric shock unless their hide is pierced. The pulsed electric field produced when a skiltaire is "scanning" radiates form the body to charge the air around them. A "map" of stationary objects in approximately a 30M circle can be interpreted, and any movement in that range, no matter how minute, creates dialectic differences which the antenna can pick up, and the brain can process. The accuracy for an adult is similar to Earth dolphin's natural "sonar". The antennae do not generate the field, but help disperse it, and act as steerable receptors.

Antennae have another purpose, obviously a part of behavior that has evolved over time. Skiltaire, like many other species which live in places with extreme climate range, have delayed implantation of fertilized eggs in the uterus. This allows precise control of gestation (to avoid young being born in bad weather times), or automatic abortion if the females body senses it may be unsafe to take a fetus to term. Along with delayed implantation, the concept of stimulation induced ovulation adds another layer of control to the skiltaire reproductive system. This "induced ovulation" can be observed in Earth mammals (weasels, marten, fisher, cats, some canines), and usually involves a rough courtship ritual, mating and typically a neck or muzzle bite, usually the male will bite the female, but this is not always the case. The skiltaire have refined this technique by using their bio-electric generation and sense to create the stimulus to induce ovulation.

Mating and Pregnancy[edit]

Although skiltaire participate in varied mate groups with various genders involved, reproduction is facilitated by one male and one female. For a mating sequence, the male and female intended parents will often separate from other mates to focus on the task with their other mates providing external support during the pair bonding and pregnancy. Once the delivery is made, the mateship group re-bonds and the young are cared for by the mateship group.

Mating between two skiltaire is a complex and extraordinary event that requires months or years of practice to complete. The exact details are known only among skiltaire, but the basics are of a sequence wherein the male and female align their empathic streams to solve a puzzle together. Skiltaire have a dual-layer data transfer function: Whereas earth species have only DNA to transfer information in the reproductive cycle, skiltaire have both DNA and a code key cypher. The male's subconscious psyche provides a key and the female's provides a cypher. To complete the transfer function, the male must inseminate the female, then assemble the key based on subconscious cues during mating, and transfer the assembled key via telempathic stream to the female, who pairs the key with her cypher. The two must then assimilate the cypher. Since every skiltaire has one whole set of DNA (as opposed to earth species who have a divided set), one set of DNA becomes the dominant set and the other becomes inert. However, pregnancy can only occur given the presence of one male and one female set of DNA, as both are required to complete the key bonding sequence. The DNA provided has to come from the pair, as only the DNA from the two fits the cypher. In pairings where one or both mates is a hermaphrodite, the servicing partner provides the male DNA set, while the receiving partner provides the female set.

Skiltaire that allow others to get close enough to allow antennae linking and electric pulse communication are often bonded socially, as that kind of contact is considered intimate, whether they are breeding or not.[2]


Skiltaire are natural tele-empaths (analog telepaths), and use this ability to communicate with other skiltaire, other entities with similar abilities, and to aid in hunting. Analog telepathy involves sending and receiving complete sense and thought 'streams' of brain-wave activity, which the sender can control. The effect is that the receiver actually "feels" and "sees" and experiences that the sender transmits, whether it is a current experience, a vivid memory, or a constructed dream.


Skiltaire are omnivorous, consuming a mixed diet of live prey and prepared foods consisting of animal, plant and dairy foods. Although they are born incapable of digesting dairy products, they can consume them after taking a medication such as Lactaid that provides the required digestive enzymes. They are opportunistic scavengers who will seek left-overs and handouts first before proceeding to exchange funds or barter for groceries.


In some locations skiltaire share a mutualistic relationship with other species, exchanging access to knowledge about local resources for information about their own technology through telempathic exchange. With this ability they are capable of colonizing with a greater range of species more quickly than species who depend on developing a form of extracommunicative interaction when introduced to new life forms.

Because of the diversity of locations between skiltaire the level of their development in different places is varied. Some skiltaire are very basic like Earth forest creatures while some are incredibly intelligent relators, each with different levels of intelligence and technology.

The "lower class" skiltaire are sometimes kept as pets by more advanced species in a symbiotic and often mutualistic relationship in which they exchange theraputic contact, telempathic abilities, attractive appearance as pets for shelter, food and protection from predators. There have even been some instances of skiltaire keeping other skiltaire as pets.

Skiltaire are shameless and most have a strong aversion to clothing of any type. They are highly adaptive and superb at emulating the culture of their host environment, making them prime candidates for cohabitation with advanced and emotional species.

Advanced Evolution[edit]

In groups, skiltaire practice passive selection: Like a mother bird who ejects inferior chicks from the nest, skiltaire groups will isolate individuals who have known faults such as disabilities or low-functioning telempathic abilities and 'grey out' to them, a practice that isolates them from the analog telepathic stream of the group, preventing them access to information and resources. Doing so provides motivation for members of the group to maintain their health, grooming and overall appearance, and acts as an active selective evolution mechanism. In time these isolated individuals will separate from the group and develop individual self support mechanisms not seen in group-functioning skiltaire. Since skiltaire are highly prized companions by entities throughout the universe, they are never left on their own for long. Entities seeking pet skiltaire will often seek exiled skiltaire to keep owing to the reduced chance that they will defect to join a group.

Group Work[edit]

Skiltaire congregate in family groups similar to a 1970s-style commune to share resources. They are loosely divided into three classes and relaters. A relater is a skiltaire who is a charismatic leader who acts on behalf of the group as a liaison between their group and outsiders such as social workers, employers and service providers. A relater, for example, will interview on behalf of a class skiltaire in his group for jobs, will manage bills and budgets for everyone in his group, and will be financially responsible with power of attorney for everyone. Relaters typically speak several languages, are strong influencers and are generally well liked. Other skiltaire in their group will defer to their decisions and will allow their relater to make choices on their behalf without question.

Skiltaire seldom seek work independently with outside entities. Although not unheard of, skiltaire working independently is the exception. Most will work within a group of skiltaire, whereby the relater will apply for work within an organization where they will only accept work if the entire group is hired. A skiltaire group may comprise an entire company's people resources, or they may run an entire department. A group with many tech empaths may run an IT department or a group of strong empaths may run a human resources department. In some cases, relaters will start their own company, but they have a preference for providing their charges to other entities. The relater will negotiate and manage relationships with the corporate entity on behalf of their group. All pay goes to the relater who manages finances for the group and distributes funds as needed to individuals. Skiltaire use their group clout to weigh heavily in salary and labor negotiations: It is usually more financially sound to give them what they want than to try to force a decision, as losing an entire tightly integrated department can be devastating to a corporate entity.

Pairing and Twins[edit]

An individual skiltaire may have one or more mates who are in their group, from other groups, or mates who are independents. The most common skiltaire mateships are the triangle, in which one skiltaire is of one type and the other two are of another type (for example, one aquatic and two arboreals; two arboreals and one aquatic or two savannas and one arctic); where the two types are diametrically opposed. And the pair, where one skiltaire is of one type and the other is of the other diametrically opposed type (for example, one aquatic and one arboreal, or one savanna and one arctic). Skiltaire mateships are frequently confusing to outside entities, as they can be dynamic and evolving with their dynamics being private.

Twin skiltaire are rare, but have been known to exist. In all cases they are functionally identical. They remain together for their entire lives with the individuals of the pair referred to as molecules. If one of the molecules dies, the other also dies, as they function as a single unit. Twin skiltaire seamlessly integrate in all activities from eating (they feed each other) to sleeping (one sleeps on top of the other) to sexual interaction (use your imagination here). A twin pair will typically seek one mate, which they share. All known instances of skiltaire twins have been male-male pairs, either arboreal or aquatic, with both molecules being the same type. Although they have difficulty integrating into groups due to their primary integration, they are given exception to the selection protocol.


In different parts of the universe skiltaire have been given different labels (where labels exist) to identify major groups as identified by host locations. Although skiltaire have the ability to adapt to an environment with a granularity of one generation, they can be divided into four major groups, or classes.

Skiltaire Classes
Class Class Label Description
1 Feral "Feral" or "pet" skiltaire (class 1) may be compared to the creatures known as "animals" on earth. In this context the term "pet" refers to the relationship between this class of skiltaire and other classes. Class 1 skiltaire are kept as pets almost exclusively by other skiltaire. They are not able to speak or understand speech and perform most functions by instinct. Class 1 skiltaire do not engage well with sentient entities and will mostly ignore them in favor of interaction with other skiltaire. They communicate primarily with telempathy, emphasizing with soft, nearly inaudible sounds and body language. As pets, ferals are entirely dependent on their owners much like a pet gerbil or squirrel would be. Class 1 typically live in the same group their whole lives, rarely changing groups. In areas where exotic pet laws exist they apply to class 1 skiltaire.
2 Dependent Dependent skiltaire (class 2) are mostly sentient but depend heavily on class 3 skiltaire in their group and their relater for help with communication with outside entities. They will usually communicate primarily with telempathy and body language, mostly with other skiltaire, but may speak one language (in broken speech) and a few phrases in one or two other languages. They often do not understand the phrases they are speaking, and only repeat them as memorized sounds. They can be shy and quiet around outside entities, and can typically be found standing behind a class 3 skiltaire or relater. Class 3 skiltaire will form a protective barrier around their class 2 skiltaire when moving as a group. Class 2 skiltaire are highly valued in their group for their hypersensitivity to telempathy and for their extremely efficient broadband communication between other members of their class.
3 Interdependent Interdependent (class 3) skiltaire are capable full speech and interact with sentient entities in normal contexts. Although they are physically identical to other classes, they're usually fully bipedal and rarely walk on four, except when running. Class 3 skiltaire have a greater tendency to live independently of groups. They may associate with multiple groups or move between groups seeking a more optimal or compatible group. Within the group, class 3 skiltaire are the secondary breadwinners. They may function as the employees in a skiltaire-based employment organization, or as independent contractors. They have a tendency to work in association with other skiltaire for other sentient entities, with a lower tendency to run their own businesses than relaters. Class 3 skiltaire are seen as the 'glue' in the group, taking delegation from their relater to manage the 1's and 2's, or as is commonly referred to, "keeping P's and Q's on the 1's and 2's."
4 (R) Relater Class 4 or R skiltaire are known as relaters to outside entities. Other skiltaire in the group will typically refer to the relater as "my relater" or similar label in the local language when addressing outside entities. They are capable of advanced telempathic communication with skiltaire and some external entities, and usually are fluent in several languages. Relaters are capable of inferring information by cross-referencing emotional and condition states of their charges and and cross-referencing them with the states of external entities. They access the information stream of their group and conjugate the data into spoken word or other forms of communication to engage with outside entities. They are often self-imposed group leaders who manage and provide leadership to level 3 caretakers for lower class skiltaire. Relaters are considered beneficial to groups requiring extremely effective communication such as certain government agencies and major corporations. As C-level corporate entities or top-level members of governments, they are capable of high earnings potential, and will use the funds acquired to provide essential goods and services for their group.

Media appearances[edit]

Artists who have produced a body of work featuring skiltaire include Mark Merlino, Ken Pick, Ken Sample and Michael Sherman. They are also one of the popular fur-fan created races for online role-playing (MUDs and other MU*s). The species has also made the following specific appearances:

  • The original skiltaire, Theta, became a logo-character for her creator and appeared in many science fiction 'zines and APAs, on event posters at science fiction and comic conventions, and in commissioned art.
  • Fanta is the mascot of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization.
  • Skiltaire were one of the 10 sentient species (9 furry and humans) in the SF/FRP game Other Suns, published in 1983.
  • With approval of their original creator, Skiltaire are one of the official alien species in Furscape MUCK.


First Skiltaires[edit]

A partial list of the first Skiltaire created, from the late 1970s to early 1980s.

  • Theta -- "Skiltaire Prime", the first one created in the mid-to-late 1970s. Female Arboreal, overall medium blue (no backstripe or trim) with yellow belly, medium-curl antennae. Wore a pendant of the Greek letter "Theta" on a chain around her neck.
  • Fanta -- Created by Merlino as mascot of Cartoon/Fantasy Organization in early 1980, and retained by the Los Angeles chapter after the breakup of the general C/FO in 1989. Female Aquatic, light grey with single magenta backstripe/ear-tips/booties/gloves, white belly. Medium-long, slightly-wavy antennae.
  • Sy -- Originally Fanta's male companion, later became Mark Merlino's fursona. Male Aquatic, light-medium grey with single purple backstripe/ear-tips/booties/gloves, white belly. Long straight antennae with a peculiar sharp "kink" halfway up their length.
  • Ora -- Fursona of Linda Joy Browne, Mark's girlfriend from approx. 1980-82. Female Arboreal, two-tone gold (darker gold with lighter double backstripe & trim), white belly, medium-curled antennae. Bit of a ditz; often wore reading glasses.
  • Midori -- Japanese Skirutaru. Female Arboreal, two-tone green (medium green with darker dual backstripe) with white belly, medium-curled antennae. Anime fan.
  • Nixie -- "Miss Skiltaire October" for abortive "Skiltaire Calendar" project circa 1979 or 1980. Female Arboreal, overall jet-black with orange belly, medium-curled antennae.
  • Kym -- Fursona of one Kimberly Hartman, dating back to early 1980s. Female Arboreal, overall silver-grey (no backstripe or trim), white belly. Tightly curled antennae, to the point of coiling. Ham radio aficionado; carried remote ham radio (walkie-talkie type) with its antenna curled to match hers. Had mate "Anton", based on her RL husband; Male Aquatic, no other physical description.
  • Kristi -- "Miss Skiltaire December" for Skiltaire Calendar project. Female Arboreal, overall pure white, medium-curled antennae. Drawn lounged out before a fireplace, holding a sprig of mistletoe over her head.

Other Skiltaire characters date from this time, but were mostly obscure one-shots. Skiltaire couples of the period were usually drawn with one Arboreal and the other Aquatic.

Other Skiltaire characters[edit]

Existing Characters
Name Gender Subspecies Class Notes
Sy Male Aquatic Relater Mark Merlino's skiltaire character.
Escher Male Arboreal Interdependent Tapestries MUCK only character. Player is not involved with furry fandom.
Mizzinur Female Aquatic Dependant Sectarian alt on Tapestries MUCK.
Firepaws Hermaphrodite Aquatic Interdependent Full time fursona and fursuit.
Nightstar Female Hybrid Relater Full time fursona.
Kimo Male Arboreal Unknown Tapestries MUCK character, status unknown.
Skiltek Male Flame Arboreal Interdependent Sectarian alt and fursuit.
Selenia Female Arboreal Interdependent Sectarian alt.
Lenya Male Aquatic Interdependent Sectarian alt and fursuit.
Jinai Male Aquatic Interdependent Tapestries MUCK character.
Past Characters
Name Gender Subspecies Class Notes
Argyle Female Arboreal Feral Former Life stage alt.
Gatsby Male Hybrid Interdependent Full time fursona.
Iyur Female Arboreal Feral Former Life stage alt.
Lessa Female Arboreal Unknown Reason for expiration unknown.
Murlie Female Arboreal Feral Former Life stage alt.
Opafire Hermaphrodite Hybrid Unknown Reason for expiration unknown.
Perion Male Arboreal Interdependent Former Life stage alt.
Samsur Male Arboreal Unknown Former Life stage alt.
Thistledown Hermaphrodite Arboreal Dependent Former Life stage alt


External links[edit]