Scudder Kidwell

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Scudder Kidwell (also know as White Pony) is an artist based in Florida. His fursona is a quaddie unicorn. He has been in fandom for many years, qualifying for greymuzzle status.

He is the creator of Beth the White Guardian, a story of an unicorn's quest to regain her lost horn and protect her kind from sinister forces. A costume of Beth, worn by Kidwell's wife Jean, debuted at WorldCon in 1992, and was seen at ConFurence 4 the following January. Prints and other merchandise featuring Beth are still available at the artist's web site.

Kidwell is also a primary contributor to the Cross Time Cafe, and hosts the webcomic on his site. White Pony, his unicorn alter-ego, runs the Cafe with help from his true love, Florence Ambrose, and a number of other characters from other webcomics.

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