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Rowrbrazzle #1. Cover art by Greg Bear

Rowrbrazzle, also known as Brazzle, is an amateur press association (APA) magazine devoted to funny animal cartoon illustration, that for a long time was a bulwark for furry fandom. The word is a misspelling of "rowrbazzle!", an exclamation used at times by the characters in Walt Kelly's comic strip Pogo.


Rowrbrazzle was co-created by Marc Schirmeister, Timothy Fay and John Cawley in 1983 as a result of the cessation of its predecessor, Vootie, with the first issue being distributed to its first contributors in February 1984. Fred Patten took over as an official editor five years later in 1989, and served in this position for the next 17 years, until he had to step down in 2005 due to illness. Mike Curtis, Edd Vick, Michael J. Susko Jr. and others served as interim editors until the new permanent editor, William Earl Haskell was found. He served until 2016 until he had to step down due to failing health, and Edd Vick became official editor once again.

The first issue was distributed to the association membership in February 1984. It is still published quarterly as of 2018, with the 148th issue having the cover date of July 2023.[1] Rowrbrazzle is always looking for new members. Furry writers, artists, or journalists are invited to contact Vick.


Rowrbrazzle #17. Cover art by Mike Kazaleh

Fred Patten, onetime editor of Rowrbrazzle, had this view of 'Brazzle's significance:

My thesis is that furry fandom coalesced out of sf fandom and comics fandom, blending elements from both of them and achieving its own critical mass in 1983/1984. The first clear signs of the independent furry fandom were the creation of its first apa, Rowrbrazzle, and the decision by some fans to self-publish furry comic books because there seemed to be enough fans of stories with talking animals to support them (as distinct from earlier attempts to self-publish comics which had to hope for sufficient sales from the general public alone.)

... Rowrbrazzle started in February 1984. Since it was specifically an apa for writing and drawing funny animals as a genre and discussing the new fandom that was forming about them, it is a handy landmark to say that "furry fandom existed at this time"[1]


Known members[edit]

Main article: List of members of Rowrbrazzle


  1. ROWRBRAZZLE. #106 (2010) (1 copy left) at Second Ed Mailorder website. Retrieved 2012 January 21.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Primary sources[edit]

Secondary sources[edit]


Contributors and members of Rowrbrazzle
Permanent Honorary Members
Ken Sample (1988 - onwards) · Fred Patten (2006 - onwards) · Marc Schirmeister ( ? - onwards)
Juan Alfonso · Robert Alley · Kaijima Appleseed · Kjartan "Karno" Arnorsson · Mark D. Ashworth · James Edward Babcock · Donna Barr · Greg Bear  · Mitch Beiro · James W. 'Tibo' Birdsall · James L. Brandt · Charles Brubaker · Andrea Cavallaro · Michael Campbell · Dan Canaan · Robert Carspecken · Jack Cavanaugh · Richard Chandler · Jimmy Chin  · Don Chisholm · Steve Corbett · John Cosgriff · Mike Curtis (often with Carole Curtis)  · Darin C. Davis  · Bernard Doove · David DuPerre · Eric Elliott  · Will Faust  · Timothy Fay · Bill Fitts · Dan Flahive  · Bill Fortier  · Brad W. Foster  · Mark Freid  · Jason "Jagafeh" Gaffney  · Carl Gafford  · Charles Garofalo · Roz Gibson · Sara K. Gray  · Jim Groat · William Earl Haskell · Robert S. Haynie Jr. · Cathy Hill  · Robert Hill · Garret Ho  · Tracy Horton · Zephery Hughes · Jenner · Mike Kazaleh · Shawn Keller · Mike Kelly · Steve Kerry · Paul Kidd · Kris Kreutzman · Dave Kuhn · Tom Linehan · Monika Livingstone · Scott Malcomson · Steve Martin · Jed Gary Martinez · Michael-Scot McMurry · Chuck Melville · Mark Merlino · Karl F. Meyers · Noah Miller · Tom Milliorn · Rusty Mills · Rudy Minger · Carolyn Mitchell · Wayne Modjeski · Jeremy Morales · J.P. Morgan · Phil Morrissey · Cindy Murata · Lex Nakashima · Per Okerstrom · Rod O'Riley · Tom Owens · Michael Oxley · Valerio Pastore · Roy D. Pounds II · James "Q" Price · Betty Roget · Melody Rondeau · Lance Rund · Stan Sakai · Chris Sanders · Chris Sawyer · Lou Scarborough · M. Schaefer · Steven F. Scharff · David Schneberger · Bob Scott · Axel Shaikman · Jay Shell · Ted Sheppard · James Smith · Terrie Smith · Wolf Smith · Chris Sobieniak  · John Speidel  · Mark Stanley · Joe Strike · Peter Stoller · Michael J. Susko Jr. · Henry Thiel · G. W. Thomas · Marc S. Tucker · Tom Verre · Diana Vick · Edd Vick · Mark Wallace · Wendell Washer · Taral Wayne · Deal Whitley · Colleen Winters · Jeff Wood · Zjonni  · Zorichan
See also