Recommended Anthropomorphics List

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The Recommended Anthropomorphics List, also known as the Anthropomorphic Recommended Reading/Viewing List, is an annual list of recommended multimedia which is compiled by Kay Shapero (previously Fred Patten) of the Anthropomorphic Literary and Arts Association; according to the ALAA's site, "it is open for all Furry fans to recommend what they consider to be the best anthropomorphic movies, TV series, novels, artwork, games, etc." which has been created throughout the year. The list is compiled in a number of greatly expanded versions throughout the year through suggestions by fans who e-mail, post-mail or provide other means of direct dissemination of their suggestions to the ALAA.

The RAL, while often showing many of the items which are nominated by fans for the Ursa Major Awards shortlist, is not considered an explicit or de-facto source for the shortlist by the ALAA, as some UMA nominees have often been picked from outside the RAL.

The RAL is often compiled into a final revision by mid-January of the following year, in time for the nomination cycle of the UMAs for the works of the previous year.


External links[edit]

Ursa Major Awards
Presented by the Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association · Partially based upon the Recommended Anthropomorphics List
By year
Nominees and winners
See also