Rainbow Tiger

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Rainbow Tiger was an island on Second Life. Originally a dance club owned by Spike Nico and an adjoining mall owned by Shadow Garden in the Cleary region of Second Life, Rainbow Tiger was expanded onto a full island. It was closed in 2012 after being in operation for 7 years.


  • Club Rainbow Tiger, a large dance club with live DJ's spinning tunes regularly,
  • Swimming Pool

Plus the following stores:

  • The Tie that Binds, primary retail store for Grifter Kawabata and his mate Painless Kawabata.

Other Places:

Rainbow Tiger Radio[edit]

Rainbow Tiger Radio can be heard on Second Life and elsewhere.


A second island named Rainbow Stallion was added at the end of March 2006, and was developed as a residential area. A third island named Rainbow Canyon was added in January 2007, and was developed as a retail/commercial area. After numerous financial hardships, Rainbow Canyon was formally shut down, sold and moved in June 2008. A small replacement mall area has been created on Rainbow Tiger.

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