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PolFurs.org logo

Polfurs is a furry community website based in Poland, established for its residents in 2004. The site provides an array of relevant links, an art gallery, contact information, and personal profiles as well as a discussion board for all Polish furries to communicate.


The first concept for an 'official' Polish furry community was developed during May 2002, started by LV, Sharpfang, Stargazer (web design) and ChakatLwiczka (who provided hosting space, and is providing it to this day). In 2004 the current website was established and set in motion by Neonus, with design based on the previous webpage made by Stargazer. After this change the webpage accumulated many more features, which attracted more people from Poland to join in order to either learn what furry is, or just meet the rest of the Polish furry community. In mid-2007 DarkV took over the Polfurs webdesign, renovating the look of the site and adding many functional changes.


Polfurs maintains a forum, an IRC channel (#polfurs on FurNet), a gallery, a deviantart club, a map with geographical positions of Polish furries that wish to volunteer their whereabouts, and a growing repository of furry-related links, articles and stories. Polfurs has over 400 users registered, over 170 of them active.


In 2005, Furries from the Polfurs group met at the largest open-air music festival in Europe, the "Woodstock Stop" (Przystanek Woodstock). 5 furs attended. They camped together for 5 days. This grew in consecutive years into a "wild" (free, no-service, no-program) convention, called Furstock that has taken place each year since.

In 2007, Polfurs organized a large meet in Kraków, 3 days long, with guest furs from Russia present. It was announced as the first furry convention in Poland, and named PolFurCon. 24 furs attended. Although this is a sizeable amount and many furry conventions start with fewer attendees, due to a low level of organization, many Polish furries don't consider this to be Poland's first furry convention.

On September 26th to 29th 2008, Futrzakon took place in Dzierżązna, and was the first fully-organized and planned convention in Poland, with a full programme of events containing competitions, discussion panels, games and workshops. 35 on-site places were available for staying guests, with a final count of 37 attendees.

External links[edit]

Web-based community archives for fiction, video, and images
Mature content
Defunct(?) or not recently updated
ArtPiles  · ArtRise  · Epilogue  · Furiffic  · Furry Art Pile  · InflatableFurs.com  · The InflatioNation  · PlayMouse  · Pregfur.org  · PureYiff  · Rubberfurs.org  · SheezyArt · Storm-Artists.net (2019: data retrieval available)  · TFCentral  · Vor-Com  · Xenographia  · YiffCo  · Yiffstar  · yiff.party  · Yiffy.net (2019: redirect to furry.ink)  · Yiffy.Tk · Yiffy Flash  · Yiffy International (2019: redirect to furry.ink)  · YNA