Perthfur Gathering

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The Perthfur Gathering (or PFG) was a large (for the time), initially bi-annual furmeet involving the Perth Furs community that took place five times in Perth, Western Australia from March 2009 to August 2011. It was succeeded by FurWAG.


The PFG was a free-form event, providing a large open space for attendees with only a few scheduled activities. Furs were encouraged to create their own fun, spawning a range of memorable happenings, from a race with giant inflatable toys to an impromptu dealers den. The event was open to all furries (and furry-friendly non-furs), and previously attracted attendees from country towns and other Australian states. Fursuits and other furry attire were welcome, as were sketchbooks, electronic devices and cameras.

One meal was typically provided (usually lunch), while attendees were encouraged to make their own arrangements for the other. BYO alcohol was permitted; however, due to the venue, this does not exclude under-18s from attending.

Traditionally, smaller warm-up and follow-up events were held on either side of the gathering.

Event history[edit]

The first Perthfur Gathering was held on the 28 March 2009 and organized by Foxronyo, Jack Wolf and JM Horse.[1] It had somewhere in the region of 75 attendees. Notable guests included CynWolfe and Paul Kidd.

PFG2 followed on 22 August 2009. This event was smaller, but saw the introduction of an art contest and group photo.

PFG3 took place on 6 March 2010. The organisers were Cyrin, Foxronyo, Jack Wolf and Sirukie. Prizes were awarded to Flamey (art contest), Kruzer (inflatable toy race) and Foxen Alopex (door prize), among others.

PFG 4 took place on 9 October 2010. The organisers were Cyrin, Foxronyo, Muchi, Jack Wolf and Sirukie.

PFG 5 followed, after a short delay on 13 August 2011. The organisers were Jack Wolf, Muchi, Foxronyo, Sirukie, Drackir and Flair. This gathering saw 78-80 furries attend and broke all records for attendance to date.[2]

PFG 6 was scheduled for October 2012, and was to be themed around Halloween.[3]. However, on September 29, 2012, Flair announced on Perthfurs that the 2012 iteration was cancelled due to an understaffed organizing committee.[4]

A replacement yearly event for furries from Perth and surrounding areas was announced as being in the planning stages.[5] This new event was to continue many of the traditions established by the original Perthfur Gatherings, and was tentatively scheduled for October 2013.


  1. Perthfurs Gathering (archived 28 February 2009)
  2. PFG 5 (archived 13 August 2013)
  3. Announcement on the Perthfur Gathering account on Twitter. Dated August 5, 2012. Retrieved August 6, 2012
  4. Announcement on Dated September 29, 2012. Retrieved October 1, 2012
  5. Announcement on Dated September 9, 2012. Retrieved October 9, 2012

External links[edit]