NordicFuzzCon 2014

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NordicFuzzCon (edit)
NordicFuzzCon 2013
NordicFuzzCon 2014
NordicFuzzCon 2015
NordicFuzzCon 2016
NordicFuzzCon 2017
NordicFuzzCon 2018
NordicFuzzCon 2019
NordicFuzzCon 2020
NordicFuzzCon 2022
NordicFuzzCon 2023
NordicFuzzCon 2024
NordicFuzzCon 2025

NordicFuzzCon staff
NordicFuzzCon guests of honor

NordicFuzzCon 2014 (NFC 2014) was the second iteration of the NordicFuzzCon convention. It was held over February 27 - March 2, 2014, at the Quality Hotel Winn Haninge in Stockholm, Sweden.[1]

The theme of the convention was "A Steampunk Murder Mystery",[1] and the guest of honour was comic artist Bryan Talbot, creator of the Grandville series.[1]

SEK 57,408[2] was raised for the convention's charity, Djurens Ö (The Animals’ Island), a wildlife rescue organisation in Stockholm.[3] Total attendance was 268. Due to the weather, a full-size fursuit parade was not held, but 51 fursuiters participated in a fursuit-conga-line around the hotel lobby.[4]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 NordicFuzzCon website. Retrieved January 15, 2014.
  2. Tweet on the NordicFuzzCon account] on Twitter. Dated Msrch 5, 2014. Retrieved March 6, 2014.
  3. Charity on the NordicFuzzCon website. Retrieved March 6, 2014.
  4. Personal communication with NewEinstein. Dated June 17, 2015.
  5. NordicFuzzCon 2014 - Tsuyami Yukihara, Blogspot (8 April 2014)

External links[edit]