News:Email notification installed
May 20, 2006
Ever worried that someone's going to come along and start writing inaccurate information on a topic you're interested in, or that someone will leave you a note on your talk page that you'll miss? Worry no more! WikiFur's host, Wikia, has recently installed the ENotif extension which allows email to be sent whenever a message is left, or a page that you are watching is modified.
To receive notification of changes, you must first choose to watch the page concerned by clicking the watch tab (there's a list of unwatched pages if you want to adopt a few). You must also enter and activate an email account in WikiFur's preferences and tick the appropriate notification boxes there. After that, you will be sent email the next time a page is modified. As with most forums, further email will not be sent unless you visit the appropriate page (or view the difference between versions). Enjoy! --GreenReaper(talk)