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NemFX Darkdragon (also known as Andrew McKenna; born November 24, 1986) is a Canadian artist that has been mostly an outside member of the furry community for a number of years.


NemFX is a dark blue anthropomorphic winged dragon, specifically a 'dark' dragon, going so far as to explain the differences as a western dragon with predominantly dark scales with higher tolerance for heat, but a much lower tolerance for cold weather. The scales are strong, but do not retain heat as well as other dragons, and in some cases it is not uncommon to see a 'dark' dragon clothed in the scales of another to preserve heat.


Currently he does not seem to have a chosen path for his interesting blend of written and artistic talents, since his style seems to still be in the developmental stages. He primarily draws anime/manga and runs his own webcomic, Eternal Flame. however he has been practicing more anthropomorphic animals designs, specifically dragons, hyenas, and lizards. He is also a fairly accomplished writer, but doesn't write frequently because of his predilection for drawing.

Public media[edit]

Despite being fairly low-key in terms of participation in the furry fandom, NemFX has managed to be involved in the media.

  • NemFX has been interviewed for a furry introduction magazine which has his views on the stereotypes in the fandom and suggestions on various topics. Unfortunately, he cannot seem to get a copy, as the author has not replied to his emails since the initial interview.
  • He also cohosted an episode of Bunny Suicide, which happened to be the last show of 2006. [1] Ironically, he was originally supposed to do one of the last shows of 2005 before TC's computer broke temporarily cancelling the show, somewhere around Bunny Suicide version two, show 7. TC makes mention of this in the show, and comments that he did manage to get both Jaie and Ghostwalker (formerly Reizar) on instead.

He has also had a small public art display for the month of May in his hometown, but he doesn't fully qualify that as furry, as there were only one or two anthropomorphic related things on display, such as a fursuit head he later destroyed, claiming it to simply be "wrong" in his eyes.

He is currently planning on making a psychology based show for the furry fandom, and hopes to get Jaie, TC, and 2 on it at some point.

External links[edit]