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CarolinaFurs is a group for furs from North Carolina and South Carolina, and surrounding U.S. states.


The CarolinaFurs were started as the CarolinaFurs Yahoo Group in February 25 of 2000. The group is currently moderated, and membership requires approval. They later branched out onto LiveJournal in the community NC Furs in March of 2004. The community has roughly 100 members.

In February of 2007, a CarolinaFurs Google Group was created due to several members having issues with Yahoo, however due to the massive number of users on Yahoo the group was abandoned. In February of 2011 the CarolinaFurs website, was launched to attempt to bring the scattered community back together.

The largest contingent of members is centered in the Charlotte, NC area, with a second large group in Greenville, SC.


The CarolinaFurs always have local and regional meets going on. They are often announced on their Yahoo! Group, as well as listed on the forums on their website.


MFM caravan[edit]

Every year since 2001, on the Thursday evening before Mephit Furmeet begins, a number of furs would gather in Asheville, NC and caravan across Tennessee. The caravan, started and lead by Rhudi, would leave around midnight and travel all night long to arrive in Memphis at roughly 9AM, just in time for the group to try to check into their rooms. It seems that every year, the suite is just never ready until 3PM. That doesn't really matter as the meet itself does a good job of keeping everyone occupied.

Also, in 2001, when the meet moved to a larger hotel, Rhudi began reserving a large suite of connected rooms. This was primarily for his friends and quickly grew to be primarily for furs from the Carolinas. However, the offer extends to any fur able to pay the low cost, due to the amount of people in the suites. In 2006 the cost, per person, for the weekend room was $27. The number of furs included in the suite vary, and that number directly controls the number of connected rooms vs the likelihood of a wall-to-wall carpet of sleeping furs.

CarolinaFurs Sunday Night Room Party[edit]

A tradition started by Kasan in 2006 is the MFM CarolinaFurs Tiger Haven Benefit party. For the first party, many furs pooled available cash (core funding provided by Macabail) and went to the package store (some dressed in various amounts of fursuit parts), bought as much liquor and beer as they could afford, and then advertised the party around the convention.

Since the Saturday night party was mild in comparison to some other parties and there was a lot of alcohol left over, the group decided to throw another party on Sunday night for those staying through to Monday, which is when the official party has been designated.

After acquiring a bucket of what was dubbed "The Green Death", Banrai posted several signs around the con simply stating 'FREE BOOZE' with the room number. The party was so large that it actually absorbed the SubLevel03 party from the suite on an adjoining floor, and resulted in many hungover furs.

Thankfully some of the MFM staff were members of the group, and so things were kept mostly harmless throughout the night.

The CF benefit party returned to MFM in 2007, yielding a smaller donation contribution than the previous year, but still was successful.

External Links[edit]