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Minifurr banner by Scheriff
Older MiniFurr logo

Minifurr (previously MiniFurr Pohoda Březová) is an autumn convention organized by GreyLion Aslan and Tamu, first held 12-14 October 2007 at Březová nad Svitavou in the Czech Republic, at the same location as ČeSFuR 1 (2005) and 2 (2006). 36 attendees were present, including three from Poland and one from Germany. There were several events, including DDR and tombola.

As of 2019, Minifurr remains an ongoing convention under the full name Minifurr Sauna Polnička, taking place every year at the end of September. It changed venue to Polnička in the central Czech Highlands, and now differs a little in style. The event is a relaxacon, with minimum programming, but with grilling, beer, trips in the country, a shooting range, sauna and just hanging in a pack by the fireplace.

Outside of the main meal on two days and tea/coffee/beer, attendees are expected to bring their own food and drink; local store and restaurants are also available.[1] The cottage has room for 31,[2] but 43 were registered to attend for 27-30 September 2018 (some in off-site accommodation or sleeping bags).[3] Accommodation is also available within two other pensions at a distance of ~300 meters. Prior events took place 27-30 October 2016[4] and 28 September-1 October 2017.[5]

Minifurr 13 is scheduled to take place 27-29 September 2019.[6] The location is also host to events attracting Vítězný Únor (at the end of February) and Dementcon (May/June and mid-October), which according to Minifurr's organizers attract sci-fi and furry fans.


  1. Accommodation and food - Minifurr. Retrieved 24 March 2019.
  2. Info - Minifurr. Retrieved 24 March 2019.
  3. List of registered attendees for 2018 - Minifurr. Retrieved 24 March 2019.
  4. Minifurr 10 website (archived 14 September 2016)
  5. Minifurr 11 website (archived 6 May 2018)
  6. Novinky (News) - Minifurr. Retrieved 24 March 2019.

External links[edit]

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