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Mini-meet is a mostly United Kingdom furry fandom term for furmeets that contain (on average) no more than 20 people. These meets can sometimes be an impromptu event or scheduled events held between larger furmeets. The subject and venue is usually of a simple nature such as a group trip to a venue (bar, pub, movies, exhibit, etc...). These events are not necessarily of a 'furry' nature, however may still include such things as fursuiting, drawing and games.

UK mini-meets[edit]

Regularly scheduled British mini-meets are uncommon, however some do exist and are popular:

  • The NorthernFurs Manchester Mini-meet is held monthly in Manchester, UK, on the second Saturday of the month. Attendance is usually between 40-60 people. It is considered the largest mini-meet in Britain, and is larger than some main furmeets.[citation needed]
  • The HantsFurs hold regular mini-meets and special meets, usually announced on their mailing list and UKFur.
  • There is a mini-meet held every two months in Preston.
  • There is a mini-meet held in Leeds every 3rd saturday of a month. The meet is usually announced on UKFur. Attendance ranges from 60-80 people as of 2017.
  • A mini-meet is held every month in York. Attendance ranges from 15-30 people.
  • Sheffield also has a mini-meet once a month.


Mini-meets sometimes also come in the form of specialised meets which cater to specific interests within the fandom. These are less common and less regular than most minimeets, however seem to gain good attendance considering their limited scope. Again, these seem to be most prevalent in the United Kingdom.[citation needed]

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