List of Oh! Pawpets! characters
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Cast of the Oh! Pawpets! Show:
- Bwing T. Fewwet is a lovable, hyper ferret from The Bronx, New York who speaks with a speech impediment. He really loves breakfast foods, disco music on 8-track, and shiny bling. He absolutely despises his ferret food, and constantly compares the flavor to that of cardboard. He was the very first puppet to be featured on the Oh! Pawpets! Show.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Bar Hoppin' Bill is the show's drunk, and is constantly in a bitter mood. Bar Hoppin' Bill's voice first originated on SonicBlu's radio show, the Time Machine Show in October 2003.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Stevie Wonderdog is the show's keyboardist and harmonica player, and is adapted after Stevie Wonder, if he had a pet sheepdog with a voice and personality.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Potential Fox has bright blue LED eyes, and is penned as the most laid-back, intelligent character of the show.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Sound Raccoon, during his first and second seasons of the show was the raccoon in charge of providing proper sound and camera operation for the live stream, as well as off-camera commentaries. Sound Raccoon's two important things in life consist of Pop Tarts and shiny things. (Character retired toward the end of the show's 3rd season, and the puppet had changed to the new character Charles Knight.)
- Voiced by: Wolfdog
- Tekk Wolf took over for Sound Raccoon as the technician of the show and uses the same voice that Sound Raccoon used, so is then easily confused for the former incarnation of the show's tech operator by the rest of the cast.
- Voiced by: Wolfdog
- Consumer Fox is the show's consumer reporter, and like Potential Fox, his personality is very likable and laid-back. He originates from Great Britain and still speaks with a strong English accent. Consumer Fox's love for name-brand products really shows in some of his live routines and monologues, and he disapproves of generic products simply because he can never come up with an advertising slogan for them. Consumer Fox is constantly being chased and eaten by Toast the Dragon.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Sal Rebenowitz is the accident-prone, near-blind vulpine of the show who constantly exaggerates his stories about how everyone is constantly mean to him. Sal is of a Jewish descent, but forced to a life of Christianity after becoming married to his spouse Gertrude, who continues to run his life and makes his decisions for him.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Doofus & Roofus are two cousins that live with Sal and Gertrude Rebenowitz, both who suffer mental disorders. Doofus is mentally challenged, but highly skilled in mathematics due to his level of Autism, and finds love with a box of new crayons and freshly made gelatin desserts. He enjoys playing video games and is constantly being taught new things by Sal, which usually turn out to be tremendous tragedies. Rufus is stricken with Down Syndrome and tries to keep his cousin Doofus in line. Roofus loves watching videos and conducts "Video Night" for his family, which usually consist of older classic movies from the 60s to the 80s.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Gertrude Rebenowitz is Sal's estranged wife, who screams at the top of her lungs as a form of communication. She enjoys bossing everyone around and works in the Oh! Pawpets! Studios as the office's complaints department representative, but her technique leaves everyone with a whole new world of complaints after they've called.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Toast the Dragon originates from the volcanic Brimstone Mountain, where he lives in a cave with his son Doremi. Toast is considered a hunter, but when he's not hunting and eating "fuzzies" or his favorite breakfast staple of toast, he is found hanging around with his friends at the Oh! Pawpets! Studio resisting the temptation of eating the other cast members. He constantly goes after Consumer Fox mainly due to the word "Consumer" in his name, and mistakes its meaning for him being a fox of consumption. Despite his taste for furry creatures, Toast is very sociable and friendly with the other cast members.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Syeauxemoune Qaaetze is the ultimate answer to the term "stuffed-shirt, toffee-nosed stuck-up" and takes on a personality that is very similar to Simon Cowell. He finds nearly everything he sees as "unpleasant" and is constantly in a sour mood. He often talks of his show Pawpet Idol, but his main complaint is that he keeps turning everyone down for an opportunity to go to Hollywood to become singers, resulting in the show's early termination. Syeauxemoune Qaaetze's name is developed through the overly excessive use of silent letters just to show the world that he is high-classed enough to use more than any amount of silent letters in the alphabet than what is legally allowed to be placed into a name.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Fabulous Fabio is the second-most stuck-up of the show, but his highly flamboyant attitude revolves solely around himself and his love of anything bearing a pink color. He once ran a cooking show called "The Flaming Chef", but was cancelled after the adult innuendos being utilized in his monologues. His best interest is found in fellow cast member Sajin Candour, and constantly tries to get with him for a date, which his attempts and advances are constantly being thwarted by Rune the Wolf's hands.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Cryo Jennix is the show's tough guy gray fox He's not afraid to tell you what's on his mind, and he would gladly put someone's head through a wall to teach them a lesson about what it's like on the streets. Although being as tough as he is, Cryo made great friends with the Oh! Pawpets! cast, and had a little change of heart during the Christmas special "Cryo's First Christmas", where he was rescued by Potential Fox and shown that as tough as he was, he still had a place in everyone's hearts. Cryo is often seen wearing a scarf that was given to him by the Oh! Pawpets! cast to remind him of the warm home he now has. Cryo was first voiced by Sajin Candour, but after his brief departure from the show, his voice was taken over by SonicBlu to give Cryo's role a chance to thrive in the show.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Sajin Candour is the lovable down-to-earth husky who tends to make friends with everyone he meets. He's open for new things, yet clings to the things he loves in life: Lady Gaga music and peanut butter. He is very outgoing and understanding, and his personality is exactly that of his human actor's counterpart.
- Voiced by: Sajin Candour Fluxx
- Slobber the Spaniel is an adult Cocker Spaniel but still acts as playful as a puppy. Slobber speaks with an almost incomprehensible voice, which is affected by his tongue producing the amount of drool and phlegm that gave him his name.
- Voiced by: Sajin Candour Fluxx
- Jose el Camillion's main language is Spanish, originating from the central-American country of Mexico , which is described by Jose as a poorer version of Wikipedia: Venezuela, and usually darts his tongue at whomever he is speaking to whenever he pronounces his country's origin to them. Jose's main love of life is Mexican cooking, peppers, and Los Tigres del Norte music. He will occasionally talk about his family, and will often trick the other cast members into thinking he can't speak a word of English, despite them knowing otherwise.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Bosco Bear is a very lovable Canadian brown bear who enjoys snow, fishing in freshwater streams, and drinking Molson Canadian. His claim to fame is having an older relative who posed as the bear on the California State flag.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Jerry Atric or "Old Grey Fox" as he was once called, is the show's most mature character. He is a 97-year-old coyote who thinks he's a fox, and suffers Alzheimer's Disease and Multiple Personality Disorder at the same time, so every week, he thinks he's a different character. In his original form, he will constantly tell old, boring stories that have no relevance to the current situation, and will include the use of onions in every bit of conversation. When Jerry takes on a different personality, he is generally self-convinced of his new characteristics as a matter of his prime existence from birth. As of 2012, Jerry portrayed approximately 10 different personalities.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Kurt Bond was originally conceived for the purpose of filming Paw II, but he became a regular character in the show. Kurt fancies himself as an office worker, and took on the role as himself in the Paw II film as a manager of a sporting goods distribution center. Kurt and Consumer Fox share the same size of being miniature versions of full grown vulpines.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Larry Vino AlDente is a collie that comes from Sicily, Italy and adores any type of Italian foods. He adopted Jimmy Jacob Jojo Jameson when he was a little puppy, and is described as a very good father to him, despite his strict role in Paw II, where he was a lot more harsh with his son. Whenever he has trouble sleeping, Larry is often seen watching reruns of Judge Judy, his favorite TV show. Larry is constantly searching for the perfect leather jacket, and he absolutely idolizes John Travolta and Sylvester Stallone movies. His own TV show called "Larry" is currently being negotiated by Oh! Pawpets! Pwoductions, which he intends to be a running spoof of the show Lassie.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Jimmy Jacob Jojo Jameson is Larry's adopted son, who was taken in by Larry while looking for discarded food near an Italian restaurant. He took the puppy home and raised him to be a very polite and friendly character for the show. He still tends to get into trouble from time to time, which will be detailed in the segment "Larry".
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Doremi Dragon is a small, red, three-headed dragon that lives with his father Toast the Dragon. His name originates from the first three notes of the vocal scale: "Do, Re, and Mi". Since he has three heads, he is heard with three different voices. They constantly argue like true siblings and are still trying to figure out how to operate his entire body as a team without having to argue who controls what body feature or function.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Country Bumcoon is what became of the original Sound Raccoon puppet, now wearing a straw hat and bandana. He speaks with a strong Southern dialect, and originated from Gator Creek, Wikipedia:Georgia. Country enjoys sitting at the lower forty of his ranch, munching on a piece of hay, drinking home-brewed moonshine, and eating cans of Wikipedia:boiled peanuts. He hasn't quite gotten the hang of modern-day technology and still thinks every home needs a John Deere tractor in their driveways. His best bud is Hayseed, and they constantly say "uh-huh" and "yep" to each other as a form of ongoing conversation.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Ozark is a sheepdog who wears a straw hat and speaks with a very loud, gruff tone. He's less tolerant of many things in life that other people enjoy, but unlike Syeauxemoune Qaaetze, he is not impossible to talk to. Ozark is the current reigning champion of the game show Oh! TV's Remote Control, which aired during the show's 30th anniversary tribute to MTV.
- Voiced by: Max Goof
- Hayseed was originally voiced by Cirrus Kitfox when Max Goof performed with Ozark and Twitch. Since he joined the Oh! Pawpets! cast, Max Goof provided his voice as a high-pitched simple-minded fellow who shares the same characteristics as Country Bumcoon, which is easier for the two raccoons to be misunderstood as identical twin brothers. Hayseed is shown wearing a green John Deere cap.
- Voiced by: Max Goof
- George loves everything electrical, and finds himself indulging in his favorite pastime of taking things apart. He speaks with a very deep, slow voice, and appears to have a less-than-average intelligent level, but give him anything electronic, and he'll have every piece taken apart in no time. Since he loves to dismantle things, he finds that it's often useless to put them back together again, thus defeating the purpose of him taking it apart in the first place.
- Voiced by: Max Goof
- Twitch is the ultimate air-headed ferret who shares the same views and ideas as his friend Bwing T. Fewwet. He often misunderstands other people's statements, and unlike Bwing, Twitch loves eating ferret food. He speaks with an identical speech impediment as Bwing, and at times, they have been known to collaborate their ferret thoughts into "ferret philosophy", which gives others the insight on how a ferret's mind works.
- Voiced by: Max Goof
- Mocking Byrd is a green and red squawker bird who can impersonate any voice he hears, and constantly plays tricks on others when they're not looking. He fancies himself as a patriotic bird, who questions why the bald eagle became the symbol of America. As of 2012, Mocking Byrd has impersonated and utilized approximately 5 new, additional voices for the show that do not resemble the other cast members. Before the 4th season of the show, Mocking Byrd was much smaller, and was colored bright orange. When asked how Mocking Byrd changed his color and size, he states that he drank a lot of milk while swimming in a bird bath, of which the water was replaced with green paint. Shocked with the sudden change in his body, Mocking Byrd had flown past a building with fresh red paint, and sideswiped it with his head as he flew past. After the sudden surprise in his new change of appearance had fizzled, he admired himself in the mirror and admitted that he had become a very handsome parrot.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Roger Wilco Overnout is a very simple bunny whose life ambition is working in the radio control tower of any airport. He tends to turn his name into a game, for instance, anytime someone asked him what his name is, he'd give you his first name in hopes to have it repeated back to him, where he'll continue with stating his middle name, having it repeated, where he finishes with "Over N' Out", which becomes a running gag in itself. Although his dialogue may consist mostly of his name, Roger does have a wider vocabulary, though he doesn't use it much.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Dave Winthrop was one of the characters that was especially conceived for the film Paw II. Since the supply of puppets do not fully facilitates making Dave a standalone character, his body had to be borrowed from Sal Rebenowitz, and was shown wearing a blue shirt to denote his role as a police officer. Dave Winthrop is planning to reprise his role for Paw III.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Jake Hawthorne is one of the characters from Paw II that made it onto the Oh! Pawpets! Show. Jake's appearance is very close to Syeauxemoune Qaaetze, being a bobcat breed, but unlike Syeauxemoune (who keeps his paws tucked together in front of him), Jake's paws are separated and wears a blue police officer's shirt. Jake's role on the police force is a member of the criminal investigation team, and is best friends with Potential Fox, who for the purpose of the film series, was the one responsible for helping Potential get onto the police force.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Quinn Defaux was a character conceived for the film Paw II and also wore a blue officer's shirt. Quinn worked closely with the criminal investigation team, and his body was borrowed from that of Doofus Rebenowitz.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Buzz E. Miller was a character conceived for the film Paw II, and worked as Kurt Bond's supervisor at the sporting goods distribution center. His body was borrowed from Roofus Rebenowitz.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Scruff Jenkins first appeared on the game show Oh! TV's Remote Control, and slowly became a character of the Oh! Pawpets! Show. Scruff's personality is described as "too cool for words", and when he was cast for his role in Paw II, he was unable to adapt to the film's toughest character with his too-cool attitude, so Scruff underwent a series of acting lessons, and was able to perform his role in Paw II flawlessly.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Sammy Spaniel is an extra that was conceived for the film Paw II, and worked as the assistant of the criminal investigation team. He speaks with the same voice Cryo Jennix once had in season two of Oh! Pawpets!, and his body is borrowed from Slobber the Spaniel. Sammy wears a blue shirt to denote his role as a police officer for the film.
- Voiced by: Sajin Candour Fluxx
- Andy Bowen was a character conceived for the film Paw II. Andy was one of the first victims of the film, and his death is shown in the beginning segment of the film, which also served as a bridge to lead the story line into the main plot of the film. His body was borrowed from Sajin Candour.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Bruiser Bat was conceived as a character in 2010, and was finally put to a puppet character at the beginning of the show's 4th season. Bruiser speaks with a strong Romanian accent, yet he will say he comes from Pennsylvania.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Leovinus Lyons is a brand new character for the show's 4th season, and was conceived as a character at the very instant SonicBlu acquired the new puppet. Leovinus speaks with a very low, gruff tone, and his voice has been said to be perfect for the Pawpet answer to the "movie announcer voice", reminiscent to that of Don LaFontaine.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Charles Knight is what became of the Sound Raccoon puppet that was recently retired. Charles first appeared in the film Paw as a newscaster and was voiced by SonicBlu. After his repair, Charles was then picked up by Sajin Candour, who fancies the character to be the alter-ego of Scruff Jenkins. Unlike Scruff, Charles hangs around graveyards at night to pay his respects to those that have passed before him, whether he knew them or not. The character is in the phase of being developed as the new 4th season progresses.
- Voiced in the film Paw by: SonicBlu
- Voiced in the live show by: Sajin Candour
- Onyx Goldbling Shinythang is an old time friend of Toast the Dragon, who hung out a lot together up on Brimstone Mountain. Although a common place for dragons of many shapes and sizes, Brimstone Mountain is much like the neighborhoods of the world. Onyx resides on our equivalent of the "good side of the tracks", where the air isn't as bad and hazardous to one's health. On Brimstone Mountain, that's considered the "cool side of the magma". At any rate, Onyx knows how to toss his interesting and harsh-seeming sense of humor. Although his jokes may sound demeaning, Onyx is truly everybody's friend. Unlike his friend Toast, Onyx prefers to eat soul food consisting of chitlins, grits, black-eyed peas, and most of all, cornbread as his favorite staple. If it weren't for his home on Brimstone Mountain, Onyx would swear on yo' mama's word that anytime cornbread was made in the house, Onyx would be first in line with a plate in his grasp.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Screwball Von Cuckoopuff A long time ago, within the dead of night, one could have sworn to hear the most maniacal laughter raising up to the moon-lit skies. If anyone were to venture near the Daisy Chains Asylum for the Insane, they would have heard the laughter of Screwball Von Cuckoopuff. One night, after a bad fire broke out, the asylum directors Dr. Bernstein Erdferk and Dr. John Sewarrat, along with all the inmates of the asylum were evacuated to safety and moved to a more relaxing institution...except they forgot all about Screwball. Aided with his best friend Caffeine Kitty, the screwy duo ventured through the smoldering smoke and ashes looking for food, and only came upon a gathering of bugs and spiders. For a small mouse and his caffeine-addicted friend, life seemed to have dealt the forgotten lunatics a very difficult hand. One night, while hunting for bugs, Bruiser Bat happened upon the blackened rubble, and being the helpful fruit bat that he was, attempted to pull Screwball from beneath the wreckage that had held him down. With a lifetime of forgiveness in his heart, Screwball has decided to devote his entire life and livelihood to Bruiser, as long as the bat continues to provide many bugs for Screwball to eat, which was a food the young mouse had to grow accustomed to. After his discovery, Bruiser was unsure of what to do with the devoted mouse, and was granted permission to bring him to the Oh! Pawpets! Studios, in hopes that even the most criminally insane can find a world of friends.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Caffeine Kitty Caffeine Kitty (originally named Kathleen) was once a very quiet and shy kitten, enjoying life in the lap of luxury. Until one day, Caffeine's world was turned upside-down after being introduced to instant coffee grounds, which she discovered discarded in the kitchen trash can. Just one small dose, and Kathleen's eyes permanently widened. To this day, she has yet to remember what it was like to sleep. It got to the point where Kathleen would often hide in the trash can to wait for another dose of coffee grounds to become discarded. Many months passed, and Kathleen changed her name to the one element that gave her thrills...Caffeine Kitty. Around this time, and for no reason at all, she began to attack her own caretakers and family. Out of fear for the kitten may have become rabid, the young kitten was brought to the doorstep of the Daisy Chains Asylum for the Insane as a last resort. She was met by Dr. John Sewarrat, who took the kitten in and gave her a nice, comfortable padded cell next door to Screwball Von Cuckoopuff. When the kitten first met Screwball, it was almost love at first sight, and the duo have been inseparable until the asylum's sudden flash fire, which nearly claimed the duo's lives. Even though she was on her first life and had some more to spare, Caffeine was very frightened, but was soon comforted by Screwball. They managed to live together for months after the fire among the charred rubble and debris of the old building until their rescue by Bruiser the Bat. Initially, the bat rescued Screwball from nearly being crushed to death by a heavy cinder block which fell down on top of his back. Caffeine's time had nearly come as well, for she refused to leave the young mouse alone, and made the decision that if an old building's rubble was going to be their graveside, then she would go out with dignity and with Screwball by her side. Luckily, Screwball was able to revive Caffeine, and headed straight for the Oh! Pawpets! Studios in hopes for rehabilitation, a new world, and a world of new friends and family. Caffeine and Screwball have never been happier, and they realized that happiness doesn't always come in the form of Dr. Sewerrat's bright orange pills, but a natural emotion that neither one has felt in a very long time.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Pepe Aldente got his name from the Italian word for pepper, which color is mostly evident in his fur pattern. Pepe is a border collie that was born in Venice, Italy, and after going out one night to a classy pizza restaurant, he accidentally bumped into the love of his life, Michellina Dela Rosa Vinaigrette. They married the very next year, and have lived together in a beautiful hilltop cottage in Sicily, Italy. Recently, an opportunity arose for Pepe to visit America after winning the ticket on the Italian game show "Make-a Mio Pizza Pie". Excitedly, Pepe raced home to tell of his wife Michellina the good news, but digressed that he only had one ticket to travel. Initially giving the tickets to Michellina, she readily turned down her husband's generosity, and told him that seeing his son Larry among the Oh! Pawpets! crew would do him a world of good. Michellina decided to remain in Sicilly to continue preparing her gargantuan meals for her neighborhood. Although Michellina misses Pepe dearly, she also knows that his trip to America would be exactly what he needed to relax and enjoy the sights. Subsequently enough, it wasn't until after his trip to America that Pepe realized that he only won half of the get to America. Rather than being stuck in a land far away from home, Larry agreed with the rest of the crew to allow his father a place within the Oh! Pawpets! cast, but made several promises to make constant trips back to Sicily to visit the greatest Italian cook in all the land.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Taisha Wonderdog Taisha arrived by stork one afternoon while her father Stevie was hard at work on remixing an upcoming album he recorded. While practicing his music, his ears continued picking up the withering sound of a baby's cry on the doorstep. Finding his way to the front door of the recording studio, Stevie never needed sight to discover that his own daughter Taisha was laying before him within the comforting arms of the Stork that delivered her. Since Taisha's arrival, Stevie's life had been very complicated, but nothing he couldn't figure out on his own. After all, he, too, was a puppy once, and taking care of another couldn't possibly be that difficult. As time grew on, Stevie realized that an entire world all its own would be unlocked as he endures life as a proud father. Taisha could never be happier.
- Voiced by: No one. Taisha can't talk yet.
- Ali Naga While exploring the deserted lot for a decent place to film, SonicBlu stumbled upon this rather tame cobra, just coiled up and looking straight out into the world, not showing one single sign of fear. Expecting a dangerous encounter, SonicBlu was surprised to discover that all the cobra wanted was a customer to come to his new deli shop, simply called "New Deli" to partake of a free cheese sample. As SonicBlu slowly munched on the sharp and strong cheddar cube, he noticed that Ali seemed quite down about something. Finishing his cheese sample, he approached the depressed-looking cobra and asked him what was bothering him. To which Ali replied with the desire in his heart---wherever his heart was located inside the body of the cobra, he wasn't sure---that all he wanted more than an honest living at ripping customers off with overpriced gasoline, booze, batteries, and cigarettes, is to have a place to truly consider his own---fulfilled with the warmth of friendship, and not the type of friends that are bought and sold, then executed later---but real friends with real emotions. SonicBlu, although confused what the strange cobra was getting at, decided to bring Ali Naga home to the Oh! Pawpets! cast for help, and the friendly and ever-growing cast members immediately made him feel right at home. Now all Ali needs to be 100% happy is a wicker basket to sleep in...and a silk royal red turban on his head...and a third eye...and a super fast Pontiac GTO with a four on the floor transmission...and a house out in the Bahamas for vacationing...and the freedom to charge his customers twelve dollars a gallon for gasoline...and his shop to be made completely out of gold...with lots of surveillance gear...and his own police squad...
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Crackle the Generic Raven Since Charles Knight was the only one to run the Oh! Pawpets! cemetery alone, along comes Crackle the Raven. Crackle moved from Annapolis, Maryland after too many people confused him for the same raven depicted in Edgar Alan Poe's original story, and he got tired of Marylanders constantly asking him to say "nevermore." Being a generic raven, Crackle's catch phrase ended up being "never mind", and then people started wondering if he once belonged to Kurt Kobain of Nirvana fame, for having named their hit record "[Wikipedia:Nevermind|Nevermind]]" from 1991. Crackle admits he didn't have any affiliation with Nirvana, the naming of their record, or Edgar Alan Poe, he migrated to Columbus Ohio, where he perched upon a tombstone in the middle of Charles Knight's cemetery. He decided to bring him to the set of Oh! Pawpets! where he was immediately welcomed by the other cast members in the studio. Although Mocking Byrd and Crackle didn't start out on the right talon, they eventually came to like one another as the brothers they should have been from the start. Not only does Mocking Byrd now have a close feathered friend to pal around with, but he also helps keep Charles Knight's cemetery in good order. Crackle would say his favorite food is eyeballs, but being a bird of prey, one already comes to expect nothing less out of an appetite like his.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Angus the Angry Cow Angus sort of headbutted his way through the picket fences that surround Oh! Pawpets! Studios after having run out of alfalfa sprouts, and we later discovered, that he wasn't angry on account of being out of his favorite food, but that he wanted a lot more out of life than roaming around the same field eating the same alfalfa, and looking at the same scenery every single day of his life. Another one of Angus's complaints is that he is the only male cow from his pasture, when he should have been a fierce bull. As you can surmise, Angus's life is filled with nothing but anger issues, but we all know he doesn't have issues with problems...he has subscriptions!
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Sorocco the Sea Monster Sorocco originated from a quiet cove in Lake Pawpetitaka, until one day his waters became polluted due to the rise of factory waste. While looking around the murky waters of his home, he happened upon a passing bald eagle named Walker Klondike, who only dropped by to grab a fish out of the lake, and immediately decided against a freshwater lunch when he saw the condition of the lake's waters. Instead, he noticed a very sad and lonely Sorocco looking quite glum, and decided to whisk the saddened sea monster away into his talons, carrying him right to the swimming pool of Leovinus Lyons, where Sorocco can continue to prosper in a much cleaner environment. Upon Leovinus's discovery, he not only came away with a new friend, but one that the entire cast of the Oh! Pawpets! Show will welcome with open arms and friendly personalities to make him feel right at home.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Myrtle Turtle Myrtle Turtle works alongside Sleepy Sloth in the post office, being one of the faster members of the mail team, if you can believe that one. Unlike Sleepy, who could care less about the outcome of his work ethique, Myrtle takes a greater pride in trying to do a better job than the rest of his co-workers, but realizes that he's about as slow as everyone else when it comes to delivering the US Mail. Still, it doesn't give this simple-minded turtle any worries, for he knows that his own actions speak a lot faster than anyone with a hard shell and rough skin can move. He currently holds the record for fastest mail delivery, having beaten a local hare in the race. Myrtle usually says that it's better to have a slow turtle with determination, than a speedy hare with a laziness issue.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Mange Fox Mange is Consumer Fox's biological twin brother, with a completely opposite personality. Where Consumer Fox is very mellow and down-to-earth, Mange Fox is very loud, harsh, and loves to cause chaos and anarchy. Mange is the typical British punk rocker, after having been on tour with his backup punk band, the Itchy Fur, and have made several albums along the way. Times were tough for Mange and the Itchy Fur, as a huge argument pushed Mange out of the band. Unable to obtain a solo career out of lack for being able to play any musical instruments, plus having the lost interest of many fans to deal with, Mange sunk deeper into depression, first costing him his popularity, and later costing him his home. Unbeknownst to his brother, Consumer, Mange became homeless, having to resort to begging for money on the street from passersby. One day, a man decided to give him something different than a mere few shillings. When asked for a handout, the man grumbled and tossed the remaining bag of pretzels he was carrying at his head, in hopes to knock some sense into him. The disgruntled man's wish was answered, for at that moment, Mange Fox had an idea. While munching on the stale bag of pretzels, he got the notion in his mind to establish the Mange Pretzel Company in London's east end, where he would combine two flavors into one pretzel. After his business closed down, Mange decided to retire to his home in Pennsylvania, where he allowed the Oh! Pawpets! cast of puppets to live with him. Ever since Wolfgang Sebastian Bark decided to run a variety show, Mange decided to get back into punk rock, and formed a new band called The Fluffians, where he performs his favorite songs.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Wolfgang Sebastian Bark Wolfgang was originally meant to be an extra in an episode of Bwing's Discount Detective Service as a donor to one of the exhibits within the Museum of Useless Junk. After his induction into the cast, Wolfgang's life-long dream of hosting a variety show like his heroes before him had finally come true. He is the host of Talent Search, where he encourages the show's viewers to submit videos of their talents to the show to be featured in his new segment. Wolfgang wears a green neck bandana, has a pair of sharp front teeth, a very noticeable tongue, and has quite the cool personality. Sometimes, he can veer away from being cool and sling around his fair share of joking stabs and insults. As cruel as his jokes may seem, Wolfgang does this out of pure fun, but often apologizes with a slew of more bad jokes.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Rilly Sprays If TV pitchman Billy Mays ever had a puppet alter-ego, Rilly Sprays would surely be as close as one will find. Rilly Sprays is a skunk, whose prime purpose and ambition is to find the wackiest inventions and feature them in his commercials as dynamic breakthroughs for the household. This character is a parody of Billy Mays.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Buck Woolery Buck is a lamb character that once lived in the peaceful Pawpet Land Ranch, but now settled into a new life amongst the other cast members at the Oh! Pawpets! Studios. He works full time as a news anchorman (or in this case, "anchorlamb") at WPIN 12 in upper Pawpet Land.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Mortimer Snow Mortimer is a shy arctic seal that originated from Mt. Snovius and was first discovered by Leovinus Lyons, who nearly squashed him into the snow because of Mortimer's color blending too well with his surroundings. Although he is a very shy arctic seal, he managed to make friends with the rest of the show's cast nonetheless.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Bernard Eaglebert Upon a trip to Rio De Janeiro, Mocking Byrd met Bernard while flying into the Copacabana Beach, and subsequently enough, flew right into Bernard himself since he wasn't looking where he was flying. After a brief altercation between the birds, they quickly realized how similar they were, and quickly set aside their differences, thus becoming really good friends. Bernard works with Crackle the Generic Raven for A Little Birdy Told Me: The Oh! Pawpets! News.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Slippy Snail At the Pawpet Land Post Office, Myrtle and Sleepy work diligently to attempt to deliver the mail in a semi-speedy fashion while under the supervision of Slippy Snail. Being the slowest living being at the post office, Slippy is in charge of the postal carriers and mail sorters. Some have speculated that Slippy Snail was the inspiration for the term "snail mail".
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Earl Flattail Earl is a busy beaver that came all the way from the mountainous regions of snowy Montana in search of a better lifestyle than building dams all day. Looking for a change of pace, Earl now resides at the Oh! Pawpets! Studios as a recording studio engineer, and has helped Mange Fox concentrate on completing his latest album. His favorite artist is Connie Dash.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Pasha Skvierrelovich Pasha is a red squirrel that once lived in Gorky Park, but because the humans became stingier with their snacks, Pasha decided it was best to move on to a better and more quiet atmosphere. He heard of Pawpet Land as being the perfect getaway, and he now resides within his own tree near Mt. Snovius, where he keeps a steady supply of various nuts, which are perfectly sorted and arranged on makeshift shelves. He speaks with a very gruff Russian accent and wears a white Ushanka on his head at all times.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Dredd "Heymon" Headley Dredd was originally a voice SonicBlu once performed during his Time Machine Show broadcasts, and is considered one of his oldest character voices next to Bar Hoppin' Bill. He finally found his puppet form at the start of the show's seventh season. Dredd wears a Jamaican hat and has very long dreadlocks, which are just begging to be trimmed down.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Connie Dash Connie is Pawpet Land's answer to its own Johnny Cash. He once lived with his friends at the Pawpet Land Ranch, and through a suggestion by Angus, decided to join the group at Oh! Pawpets! Studios, where he would often perform songs and share in the antics with the rest of his new-found friends.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Cornelius Klucklin Cornelius lived with his friends at the Pawpet Land Ranch and was the oldest resident there. He never found an interest in the field of work that Connie and Buck were in, but he loves working with people and is considered Angus the Angry Cow's best friend. Cornelius was eager to join Angus with his friends at the Oh! Pawpets! Studios, and is currently being trained to be a news reporter so he can assist Mocking Byrd with the news team's in-depth interviews.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Kharif Solaris Being a gryphon, Kharif's tale is told over the span of 5,000 years. He is of Greek and Egyptian origins, and his name is a conjunction of the Egyptian word for "Autumn" and the Greek word for "of the sun", thus his name translates into "Gryphon of the Autumn Sun". Kharif is the wisest of all the cast members, and had centuries of experience in the world. He uses his knowledge to help others in the ways of advice, but was very shocked to have that help return back to him when he was offered a home and a place to coexist among friends---something he's never had before but often dreamed of obtaining.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Ricey Reecey This character was originally just an alternate personality that Jerry Atric would portray on the show. Ricey Reecey is a Chinese celestial dragon who speaks with a rough Chinese accent, and is also an expert in the kitchen. He is the star of the segment "Kung Food", which is a parody of the show Kung Fu, and often gets into fights with appliances and food rather than angry adversaries.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Harry the Hippy Hippo Harry showed up during the Pawpets Reunited film, where he and Consumer Fox hosted the show "In-Tune Reviews". He wears a large peace symbol on a chain around his neck and his hair is longer than his entire body. His knowledge of music is great, however his preference seems to be stuck in the sixties. He was very surprised when he was offered a home at the Oh! Pawpets! Studios, mainly because it also meant he didn't have to keep living in his van in Monterey, California. His voice was inspired from the hippy on the National Lampoon album "Radio Dinner"
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Pierce Antony Pierce was initially just an extra on the film Pawpets Reunited, but he was too cute of a character to leave behind. He became a new character of the Oh! Pawpets! Show shortly after production of the film was completed. He loves picnics, but wonders why everyone ran away from him rather than make friends with him.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Fred "Swampy" Waters Fred is an amphibian from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and thrives upon the music of the blues. He constantly lives his life in misery, even though he knows he has so much good in his life to live for. He feels that in order to live the music of the blues, he must constantly live a gloomy and dismal life, even if he finds sunshine and happiness. His voice was originally used as an extra voice for making prank calls, but found his way into puppet form just in time for production of Pawpets Reunited.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Don Perrogrini SonicBlu wanted to do a homage to the gangsters and mob bosses, and instantly felt that side of entertainment the moment he saw his puppet body. Don keeps his friends close, his family closer, and his enemies closer still. His word is law, and what he says goes, even if he makes mistakes. Don is aided by his assistant Guido, and both characters are the stars of the series "The Dogfather".
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Guido Lassassino Guido is Don Perrogrini's right-paw canine. Typically, when Don comes to collect, Guido is there for "insurance", and would immediately turn his gun onto anyone having a problem with his mob brethren.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Floyd Bacon Floyd was the last of the Pawpet Land Ranch residents to find his way to the Oh! Pawpets! Studios. In his younger years, Floyd dreamed of winning blue ribbons for his ranch, but that day sadly never came. Floyd now resides with his ranch friends at the Oh! Pawpets! Studios, where he never has to worry about coming in first ever again, for he already won a place in the hearts of his new friends. Many people speculate that he is named after the tasty breakfast delicacy, but is actually named after actor Kevin Bacon, since everyone in his family idolized the actor enough to name their offspring with the surname of "Bacon". Floyd got his first name after his dad recalled his first concert. Figuring that the Floyd would be a wonderful name for a pink character, he decided to continue using his full name to this very day.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Fang A. Farrell is a very young fox, but has a lot of experience living in the wild, that he was able to develop his own intelligent way of living. Fang has yet to speak English, but that's because his puppet body doesn't have the ability to move his mouth. He was once the member of a thriving feral fox family in the center of Pawpet Land Woods, until a small brush fire was the cause of his evacuation. Saddened that he was never able to find his family in the aftermath of the hideous event, he was discovered when the Oh! Pawpets! cast of foxes went out to the woods and attempted to regenerate the environment by removing all the dead trees and replacing them with young saplings. Fang was found curled up and whimpering near a hollow log. The saddened fox was quickly befriended by all the other foxes from the show, and was immediately brought to the studio to live with the rest of the cast and crew. He took to performing like a natural, and serves as a "fox extra" for some of our features. Since he is unable to speak like the rest of the cast and crew of Oh! Pawpets!, his form of communication and language involve his exuberant purring and "yerfing" that wild foxes are prone to speak. Although his mind is feral, he gets along well with the rest of the cast and crew, and has a great sense of comprehension and understanding, but when he responds, we have to try to interpret what he's really trying to say, but we have the advantage of having lots of foxes on hand that can translate what he says, so that makes understanding his purrs, churrs, yips, and yerfs a lot clearer.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Hiss Cransen is a very persistent rattlesnake that doesn't prey on the unsuspecting individuals that happen upon his colony; He is actually quite mild-mannered and will not bite his friends if he can help it. He prefers to do his shopping for food at the grocery store rather than out in an open empty field like his fellow rattlesnake brethren did. Hiss is the Pawpet equivalent of Chris Hansen, and will follow in his footsteps to often invite people to "have a seat right over there" so he can have a few words with them about certain behavioral issues.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Skitts Ophelia Frenia is a meerkat, and the show's resident lunatic who is under constant observation by Dr. Bernstein Erdferk.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Scoured Coldspell is a polar bear whose inspiration is that of Howard Cosell. He was specifically created to appear in the show's salute to winter sporting events.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Woodward Whovius is a Saw-Whet Owl who hails from the distant land of Wales. He is friendly, but his jokes can be rubbed the wrong way sometimes.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Evilest the Evil Raccoon is aptly named as being a super evil genius, but his experiments tend to blow up in his face and leave his future plans nullified for global domination.
- Voiced by: Whitefire Nomura
- Bo Cephus III isn't the brightest fox in the world, but he's lovable. As nice of a fellow he is, there is a dark side to his existence, for he fancies himself a master of disguise, who was sent by Evilest to infiltrate Pawpet Land to discover the elements in what makes the land thrive so well.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Razzle Pup/Dazzle Dawg is a young puppy whose best friend is Jimmy Jacob Jo Jo Jameson. His alter ego is a superstar wannabe named Dazzle Dawg, whose ambition is to become the next Pawpet Idol.
- Voiced by: Whitefire Nomura
- Arctic Al is a co-commentator to Scoured Coldspell the Polar Bear. Arctic Al used to announce golf games, and his best trait is speaking in a hushed voice and stating the obvious.
- Voiced by: Whitefire Nomura
- Whitefire Klone was intended to be Whitefire's identical twin, as cloned through a device invented by Evilest. The experiment went wrong, and Whitefire Klone wound up to be Whitefire Nomura's direct opposite.
- Voiced by: Whitefire Nomura
- Backtrack Pathfinder is Pawpet Land's adventurous explorer, who intends to document a specific region, but mistakenly winds up appearing in a completely different place instead.
- Voiced by: Whitefire Nomura
- Dr. Bernard Erdferk is a German psychiatrist and medical doctor all in one, but his many years of exposure to the mentally insane has begun to rub off onto his medical expertise, and is almost as insane as his patients.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Duckston Quackenbush is a young duck who took one too many hits to the head by flying golf balls, having lived in the water hazards of Wikipedia:Pebble Beach. He lives in a small pond near Leovinus Lyons's estate, and his best friend is Sorocco the Sea Monster.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- White Rabbit/Peter Easter is a white rabbit, who also appears in the Oh! Pawpets! Show Easter specials. Other times, he's considered an extra character that has minor roles with the show's cast.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Fasola Dragon is Doremi's younger brother, who also has three heads. Being the direct opposite of his fire-loving, red-colored brother, Fasola is a blue water dragon that prefers the cooler climates as opposed to the insanely hot environment of his Brimstone Mountain home. His namesake is based on the fourth, fifth, and sixth notes on the vocal scale "Fa, So, and La".
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Salvador the Dally Llama is a promiscuous llama who comes from the Gallegos River near Aragon, Spain, and he is quicker to falling in love than producing typical llama drama.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Mister Badgers is a former children's show host, but has grown a bit of a bitter side to him in his older years. His character is a parody of Mister Rogers.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Goo Goo Gajoob is a walrus that was named after the famous song by The Beatles. He is a former college professor, who took an early retirement mainly because nobody could understand what he says through his protruding tusks, giving him an unintentional speech impediment.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Rascal Waggish is a Jack Russell Terrier puppy that goes to school with Jimmy Jacob Jo Jo Jameson, and his mischievous behavior tends to get him into trouble, but his sad, puppy dog-eyed expressions seem to get him out of trouble just as quickly.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Scamper Simmons is another one of Jimmy Jacob Jo Jo Jameson's classmates, but when he gets into trouble, he tends to stay there. He is very argumentative, and will challenge anyone on fact versus fiction.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Basil the Baby Dragon was an orphaned dragon that was discovered in the deepest caverns of Brimstone Mountain, who was discovered by Fasola Dragon, and brought home as the Dragon family's pet.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Butch Sundance along with his brother, Cassidy, were two of the most dangerous outlaws of the old west, pulling plenty of robbery jobs in their days. Butch is the more subtle of the two brothers, and tries his hardest not to do anything to endanger his or his brother's lives, but can pull out the big guns whenever he's pushed to that limit.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Cassidy Sundance is Butch Sundance's brother, who was primarily responsible for the duo constantly getting caught by the law in their days as outlaws of the old west. Whereas Butch is more subtle and laid-back, Cassidy was one to start all of his arguments with vicious, violent tempers, and ended his arguments with gunfire.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Max Overdrive is a super speedy Saint Bernard, who moves so fast, he forgets to apply the brakes before ramming his head into nearby objects to stop him from running so fast. Although he is not as smart as he used to be, he is still very lovable and friendly, and willing to risk his life to save another. His namesake comes from the Wikipedia:Stephen King film Maximum Overdrive, rather than the obvious reference to his book Cujo because the Oh! Pawpets! crew decided that Max was too sweet of a character to become associated with a killer, rabid Saint Bernard.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Mickey Puffer owns and operates a gym in Pawpet Land, and has traveled around the world to announce boxing matches from many different circuits. Mickey's namesake comes from an inspiration of Michael Buffer.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Darwin Platts is a duckbill platypus from Westleigh, New South Wales, who was forced to relocate after the bushland was overrun by pollution, thus driving all the bush creatures out of their own homes. His best friend is a flying fox named Nigel Nightflyer.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Randy Ruffin is the sheriff who brought Butch and Cassidy Sundance to justice in their final run as being old west outlaws, and continues to watch over the pair of brothers with his watchful eye. If there ever were the slightest sign of trouble, Randy would be there before a single bullet would get a chance to fire. Randy Ruffin's nameskae comes from an inspiration from Andy Griffith
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Maybelle Atric is Jerry Atric's long, lost wife. Where Jerry thought she had died, in reality, she was simply misplaced, and wound up living with her friend Mildred the whole time after the couple had visited her years ago.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Jack Flashback is a sharp-dressed fox who prefers to reference anything from the 80s and 90s. His favorite pastime is trying to solve his Rubik's Cube, but could never figure out how to solve it properly before he winds up taking it apart and reconstructing it from scratch in its proper alignment.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Walker Klondike is an old eagle environmentalist who discovered Sorocco the Sea Monster within the polluted waters of Lake Pawpetitaka. After removing the sea monster from harm's way and placing him in the cleaner waters of Leovinus Lyons's swimming pool, Walker returned to the lake to help with its cleanup, removing all the harmful waste and garbage from the water, and thus making the lake safe for recreation again. His namesake is inspired from CBS News anchorman Walter Cronkite.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Ramson Gordsby is a British ram who thinks he has a good taste for the finest cuisines, but his enraged attitude makes him crave conflict even more, despite the quality of food he tends to find at restaurants all over the world. His claim to fame is losing his temper on a segment called Kitchen Konflicts. This character is a parody of Chef Gordon Ramsay
- Voiced by: SonicBlu
- Pauley Prickleton is a lonesome porcupine that came from the tourist land of the Poconos, who aims to make friends, and winds up scaring everyone away because of his inability to maintain control of his quills from shooting at nearby creatures. Aware of his dangerously prickly body, he still hopes to find some friends that won't mind getting prickled by his quills once in a while.
- Voiced by: SonicBlu