LT3M (also known as <3m, <3♫, or 'less than three music') was an internet radio station. It was founded in October of 2005 by a group of friends with the goal of sharing their own brands of music with anyone willing to listen. It had a surge in popularity, bolstered by an influx of diverse DJs and connections with online communities such as Second Life.
It seems to be offline, and the domain has pointed to a blank page since February 2011. As of 2012 July 7, the latest non-blank webpage archived by was on January 26, 2009.
The full name of the station ('less than three music') makes use of the internet emoticon for love (<3), which uses a mathematical 'less-than' symbol, or chevron, and a three to form a heart. Hence the station name refers to the love of music. The various abbreviations of the name can be used interchangeably.
- Inaki - Founder, Head Admin
- Chhaya - Security
- Amethe - PR & Coding
- Mauricia - Scheduling & Website
- Schizzy - Coding
- Ksilebo - Network Administration
- Pippin - Network Administration
- Richek - Business Director
- Jonas - Marketing Coordinator
- Destination Trance - Trance, featuring DJ CajunFox
- Electric Keet's Game Grid - Video game music, featuring Electric Keet
- Strange Consequences - featuring Richek
- The Graveyard Shift - featuring Graveyard Greg
- Dragon Metal - Power metal, featuring DJ Pathia
- Subject to Change - Eclectic, featuring DJ Cobaltie
- Midnight Oontz - featuring DJ Cap'n Cheese
- The Dropkick Show - featuring DJ MarMar
- Down Under - With DJ Felysha