Haven MUSH

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Haven MUSH was a fantasy Celtic-themed MUSH, which although it was not primarily furry, allowed furry characters. Species included humans, elves, dragons (described in a community post) and unicorns.

http://www.oocities.org/havenmush/ (mirror site)
  • Ran from/to: September 21, 2001[1] - September 21, 2010[2]


At least prior to 2005, HavenMUSH had been described as primarily sexually-oriented.[3] By early 2006, the information on the Mud Connector website had been changed: "the new description should mean we are not seen so much as a sex mush and more as a roleplay mush."[4]



  1. Happy 5th Anniversary Haven September 21, 2006 post to HavenMUSH community on LiveJournal. Retrieved October 9, 2011.
  2. Goodbye Gathering September 20, 2010 post to HavenMUSH community on LiveJournal. Retrieved October 9, 2011.
  3. Haven's Book Mention. June 15, 2005 post to HavenMUSH community on LiveJournal. Retrieved October 9, 2011.
  4. Mudconnector February 22, 2006 post to HavenMUSH community on LiveJournal. Retrieved October 9, 2011.
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