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Real name John Cawley
Other names Party Pony
Born April 20, 1954
Birth place USA
Residence Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
Spouse(s) or mate(s) Cataroo
Profession or hobby Writer, animation producer, costume performer, fursuiter

Topfox, formerly also known as Party Pony on Furtopia, is a writer and fursuiter, and a former animation producer and costume performer who lives in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA, with his wife, Cataroo.


Topfox was previously employed with the Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros., Don Bluth, and Nickelodeon studios, among others, as well as a past being an editor of various animation magazines and a writer and producer for the WB's Cartoon Network.

Topfox and his wife have a great love for Great Danes, which they keep as their kids, and have authored books about them.[1]

Fandom involvement[edit]

A former costume performer, Topfox was one of the members of the Gallacci group, a proto-furry group connected to the works of Steve Gallacci and their like of stories and media that featured intelligent animals and animal-like aliens, such as Watership Down, Animal Farm, Kimba the White Lion, Bambi, and so on.[2]

Topfox and Cataroo had a fursuit wedding on Halloween 1996 which seemed perfect since the couple initially met while in costume.[3] website He is a former editor of the furry APA, Rowrbrazzle.


Topfox has authored several books , including several about animation, including The Animated Films of Don Bluth and Cartoon Confidential.


Title Year released Company Genre Theme ISBN/ISBN13 Notes
The Encyclopedia of Cartoon Superstars 1990 Pioneer Books  ? Animation 978-1556982699
How to Create Animation 1991 Pioneer Books  ? Animation 978-1556982859
The Animated Films of Don Bluth 1991 Image Pub of New York  ? Animation 978-685503348
Cartoon Confidential 1991 Malibu Graphics  ? Animation 978-1563980053
Animation Art: Buyers Guide and Price Guide 1992 Malibu Comics Entertainment  ? Animation 978-1563980251


Title Year released Year produced Company Genre Theme Job/Role Year employed Notes
Garfield and Friends 1988  ? Film Roman Animated TV series Animation Associate producer 1992-1993
The Angry Beavers 1997  ? Nickelodeon Animated TV series Animation Associate producer 1998-2001


  1. Great Danes (B.E.S. Dog Bibles Series) by John and Rachel Cawley. Retrieved November 2, 2023.
  2. Guest post: A Conversation with Fred Patten article by Phil Geusz on the Furry Writers' Guild website. Retrieved November 2, 2023.
  3. Furry Fandom fans Rachel and John Cawley disguised as beasts. Photo by Evan Hurd on the Getty Images website. Retrieved November 2, 2023.

External links[edit]

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Contributors and members of Rowrbrazzle
Permanent Honorary Members
Ken Sample (1988 - onwards) · Fred Patten (2006 - onwards) · Marc Schirmeister ( ? - onwards)
Juan Alfonso · Robert Alley · Kaijima Appleseed · Kjartan "Karno" Arnorsson · Mark D. Ashworth · James Edward Babcock · Donna Barr · Greg Bear  · Mitch Beiro · James W. 'Tibo' Birdsall · James L. Brandt · Charles Brubaker · Andrea Cavallaro · Michael Campbell · Dan Canaan · Robert Carspecken · Jack Cavanaugh · Richard Chandler · Jimmy Chin  · Don Chisholm · Steve Corbett · John Cosgriff · Mike Curtis (often with Carole Curtis)  · Darin C. Davis  · Bernard Doove · David DuPerre · Eric Elliott  · Will Faust  · Timothy Fay · Bill Fitts · Dan Flahive  · Bill Fortier  · Brad W. Foster  · Mark Freid  · Jason "Jagafeh" Gaffney  · Carl Gafford  · Charles Garofalo · Roz Gibson · Sara K. Gray  · Jim Groat · William Earl Haskell · Robert S. Haynie Jr. · Cathy Hill  · Robert Hill · Garret Ho  · Tracy Horton · Zephery Hughes · Jenner · Mike Kazaleh · Shawn Keller · Mike Kelly · Steve Kerry · Paul Kidd · Kris Kreutzman · Dave Kuhn · Tom Linehan · Monika Livingstone · Scott Malcomson · Steve Martin · Jed Gary Martinez · Michael-Scot McMurry · Chuck Melville · Mark Merlino · Karl F. Meyers · Noah Miller · Tom Milliorn · Rusty Mills · Rudy Minger · Carolyn Mitchell · Wayne Modjeski · Jeremy Morales · J.P. Morgan · Phil Morrissey · Cindy Murata · Lex Nakashima · Per Okerstrom · Rod O'Riley · Tom Owens · Michael Oxley · Valerio Pastore · Roy D. Pounds II · James "Q" Price · Betty Roget · Melody Rondeau · Lance Rund · Stan Sakai · Chris Sanders · Chris Sawyer · Lou Scarborough · M. Schaefer · Steven F. Scharff · David Schneberger · Bob Scott · Axel Shaikman · Jay Shell · Ted Sheppard · James Smith · Terrie Smith · Wolf Smith · Chris Sobieniak  · John Speidel  · Mark Stanley · Joe Strike · Peter Stoller · Michael J. Susko Jr. · Henry Thiel · G. W. Thomas · Marc S. Tucker · Tom Verre · Diana Vick · Edd Vick · Mark Wallace · Wendell Washer · Taral Wayne · Deal Whitley · Colleen Winters · Jeff Wood · Zjonni
See also