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Haystack is the fursona of his/her player. The character's full name is Jake Ralph Caldoon (as male) or Jackie Rae Caldoon (as female). Currently located in Huntsville, Alabama, Haystack's player is a long-time resident of Alabama who was originally born in Maryland and has also lived in The Philippines; California; Mississippi; and New Orleans, Louisiana.

The character Haystack, an anthropomorphic tanuki, is located on FurryMUCK and FurAffinity. Haystack entered FurryMUCK on 3 February, 1999, about two months after the player first came across mentions of the furry fandom.

In appearance, Haystack is about 6'2" (188 cm) tall, husky, and potbellied; s/he weighs around 270 pounds (109 kg). Bodyfur and markings are peach and periwinkle for male forms, reversed for female forms. Hair is lavender; nose, lips, and any other exposed flesh are dark blue in all forms.

Haystack has gone through some changes over the years:

Other characters[edit]

(listed in order of creation)

External links[edit]