The Jab Archives

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The Jab Archives (TJA) is an adult online community of furry artwork.

Web NC-17
Jab Archives' mascot Josephine

Started in 1995 by James La Bella, TJA has expanded and contracted many times. It's been host to many artists including Joe Randel, Jeremy Mullins and V.Kyrie. It celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2005, and is still going strong in 2006, with appearances at conventions, contests, and new additions such as TJALite, its Forum, and its store to help keep the website up and free.

Membership to TJA has always been an invitational style since its inception, but this doesn't mean it's impossible or for that fact even all that hard to gain membership, simple show up on their forums, make your presence felt, post artwork, interact with fans, and site artists, just be yourself, and you could end up being hosted on the site.

The Jab Archives has had two mascots in its time; its more recent mascot is a cute house cat named Josephine or, as everyone calls her, simply Jo. In November 2008, Jo became a main character in the comic Cats n' Cameras, whose domain is hosted on the site.

Recent[when?] additions include netherwulf, Zeroseven and arabatos

TJALite is a the sites simple gallery system for people who did not want to maintain full HTML pages, that use to run on a outdated Coppermine Photo Gallery system, and was upgraded to a photopost system to make their site a single log in system

The Jab Archives is home to the following artists:

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Web-based community archives for fiction, video, and images
Mature content
Defunct(?) or not recently updated
ArtPiles  · ArtRise  · Epilogue  · Furiffic  · Furry Art Pile  ·  · The InflatioNation  · PlayMouse  ·  · PureYiff  ·  · SheezyArt · (2019: data retrieval available)  · TFCentral  · Vor-Com  · Xenographia  · YiffCo  · Yiffstar  ·  · (2019: redirect to  · Yiffy.Tk · Yiffy Flash  · Yiffy International (2019: redirect to  · YNA