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Guriifu Karasu is a ninja border collie who has been involved in the furry fandom since 2006.

Guriifu's mate is Kitoichi, a maned kitsune.


Guriifu is an anime fur. He is a border collie with blotchy green, black, and brown spots. The majority of his head is black. The top of his muzzle is white; the white continues up his face, ending just above his eyes, in the typical style of border collies. He has a green spot around his left eye. His arms are all black from the shoulder with brown fingers. His left thigh is black. His right leg is brown. On his left leg, the second to last toe from the outside is green. On his right leg, three of his toes are green, but the first toe from the outside is brown. His paw pads are pink and his nose is brown. His eyes are hazel. From the pupil out, they are light brown and fade to green. His claws are black. His tail is black on the top, with much longer, green fur underneath, and a white tip. He has 8 toes and 10 fingers.

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