got fox

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The title of this article is incorrect due to technical limitations. The correct title is got fox?.

got fox? was a website that was dedicated to archiving written stories of an erotic nature.

Unlike Miavir's Archives, the stories were stored directly on gotfox's servers, which reduced the number of 404s one would encounter in a quest for erotic furry literature.

The site was designed around a very admin-centric model of content management that proved not to scale. This cause submissions and reviews to slow and eventually stop, which is where it is today. The site has not seen any content or appearance updates in several years, and has go down in 2010.

Stories were categorized according to types of action, and also reviewed by staff in many cases to give an idea of what to expect while reading a given story.

GotFox features a Quick Story Search, which allows you to select a specific category of stories to read from, as well as an Advanced Search with more options.

Although the GotFox site has been cybersquatted, portions of the site are available on the Internet Archive at

Yiffstar now has a similar feature set in its tagging of content.

The name of the site, gotfox?, was a play on the gotmilk? advertisement campaign.

Web-based community archives for fiction, video, and images
Mature content
Defunct(?) or not recently updated
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