Genderverse Furries

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Genderverse Furries
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Status Ongoing
First iteration April 8, 2023
Organizer(s) Genderverse Anthropomorphic Events

Genderverse Furries is an organization hosting furmeets based in central Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, a few times per year.


Genderverse Furries
The furry fandom is an inclusive, encouraging, and affirming place. It naturally draws in people who don’t fit into the mainstream. This goes for gender too! So we created this space to give gender diverse furs a place where we can take up space, care for each other and celebrate each other for who we are. It’s not always easy, but together we can help make the fandom an even better place![1]
Genderverse Furries

Genderverse Furries' mascot ("furry ambassador") is Tanby, a cosmic being here to spread love and acceptance throughout the Genderverse! Their name comes from Trans And Non-BinarY.


Genderverse Mini-FurCon Spring 2023[edit]

Genderverse Mini-FurCon Spring 2023, Genderverse Furries' first official event, took place on April 8, 2023 at Kind Space in downtown Ottawa, Ontario.

36 people attended the event, including Staff, which was the capacity of the venue at the time. Several fursuiters attended the event as well.

Genderverse Furries Summer Picnic 2023[edit]

Genderverse Furries' first Summer Picnic took place on August 20, 2023 at Walter Baker Park in Ottawa's Kanata area.

Approximately 20 people attended the picnic and it was generally favourably received.

Genderverse Mini-Furcon Winter 2024[edit]

Genderverse Mini-Furcon Winter 2024, Genderverse Furries' second Mini-FurCon, took place on January 28, 2024 at Kind Space in downtown Ottawa.

Approximately 16 people attended the event, including staff and some fursuiters. The event was favourably received, despite low numbers attributed to the unfavorable time of year.

Genderverse Mini-Furcon Spring 2024[edit]

Genderverse Mini-Furcon Spring 2024, Genderverse Furries' third Mini-FurCon, took place on June 9, 2024 at Kind Space in downtown Ottawa.

Approximately 12 people attended the event, including staff and some fursuiters. The event was favourably received, despite low numbers attributed to insufficient advertising.

Genderverse Mini-Furcon Toronto Edition 2024[edit]

Genderverse Mini-Furcon Toronto Edition 2024, Genderverse Furries' second Mini-FurCon, took place on August 24, 2024 at The 519 in Toronto's Gay Village.

21 people attended the event, including staff. There were two dealers at the event for the first time. The event was very favourably received before and during the event, with low attendance attributed to several other events occurring concurrently in Toronto, including Camp Feral, Fan Expo, and CNE.


The personnel behind Genderverse Furries are:

Board of Directors[edit]

Convention Staff[edit]

  • Jaye
  • Water
  • Roxii
  • Sylas
  • Rootbeer
  • Aurora


  1. [1], Genderverse Furries website. Retrieved December 12, 2023.

External links[edit]

Ontario Flag of Ontario.svg
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