Fuzzy Logic (podcast)

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Fuzzy Logic
Host(s) Istanbul, Halfwit Genius, Kyo Foxtrot, Smokescale Aquatos
Website http://www.fuzzylogicpodcast.com/
Update schedule Concluded
RSS http://www.fuzzylogicpodcast.com/?feed=rss2
Launch date 2011
End Date 2014
Genre Advice - Relationships - Talk

Fuzzy Logic was a furry-themed advice podcast based in Dallas, Texas, USA. It was recorded every other Wednesday night, and was usually posted within the next 24 hours. The show ran from March 8th 2011[1] to January 29th, 2014. In total, 99 official episodes were aired.[2] The show officially ended March 6th, 2014.[3]

Cast members[edit]


Fuzzy Logic was primarily designed as an advice podcast, with listeners being invited to write in to the show about any topic with which they needed help. A topic was usually given at the end of each show for the following week, to provide listeners with inspiration. Episodes were recorded every other Wednesday night, with the stated deadline for any e-mails to be printed set as 6:00p CST on Wednesday evening. The podcast was downloadable from the Fuzzy Logic website, as well as being downloadable on iTunes and through the Furry News Network. The podcast is no longer available from any of these sources.

Comparisons were made to KnotCast,[citation needed] in that both were furry-themed advice podcasts with quite a bit of banter and humor. That said, Fuzzy Logic took a more serious tone with the e-mails received by the show and was explicitly stated as existing for the express purpose of offering advice and assistance.[citation needed] Additionally, while the former[clarify] is based around sex, the latter engaged in a wide array of topics in all aspects of life. Fuzzy Logic also had shorter episodes, averaging about one hour to an hour and a half long.

The usual format for Fuzzy Logic was to start with a short clip of music donated by Bucktown Tiger, followed by any introduction written for that show. The cast members introduced themselves and discussed topics of interest before reading e-mails in sequence. At the end of the show, contact information for the show was given as well as the following week's topic, and listeners were invited to send in e-mails about that topic for the next program. This was not exclusive, however, as users were encouraged to write to the show to ask for help with any topic with which they need assistance.


  • The first episode of Fuzzy Logic was recorded in January of 2011 and uploaded to the website on February 6, but the podcast went on a month-and-a-half hiatus when the apartment shared by Istanbul and Halfwit Genius caught fire on February 8.
  • While Smokescale Aquatos was not formally added to the podcast until December 31, 2011, he was a living sound-board for many episodes beforehand, due to his skill with imitations.


  • Boom-boom - It was customary for one of the cast members to use the restroom in the middle of the podcast. This was likely due to the tendency to record in the mid-to-late evening after dinner has been eaten by all involved.
  • Word of the Week - With only an occasional omission, Fuzzy Logic did a Word of the Week, wherein one cast member chose an uncommon word and defined it on-the-air. Typically, these words reflected the personality of the cast member who choose them.
  • This Podcast Needs Facial Expressions - Most often spoken by Halfwit, used to lament the fact that listeners cannot see the cast members' faces. Usually spoken when Kyo Foxtrot was writhing in horror at something awful that has recently been said, most often by Istanbul.
  • Sassy Kyo Moment - A phrase generally sent in by listeners with the intent that Kyo say it aloud in his 'sassy black woman' voice. Occasionally annexed by Istanbul whenever Kyo has trouble, leading to an unintended Sassy Isty Moment.
  • Kyo's Vagina - On occasion, Mitch Kenzo was available to substitute in for a missing cast member. He took on the role of Kyo's vagina (vagrundle, vagrizzly, what-have-you according to Istanbul) and was often referred to accordingly.
  • Project Pussyfish - A compilation of excerpts of Kyo saying horrible and/or bizarre things that Istanbul continues to threaten to compile. When Kyo said something particularly incomprehensible and/or vile, Halfwit Genius often said it was another quote for Project Pussyfish.


Fuzzy Logic won the Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic Magazine of 2012.[4]

External links[edit]


  1. First Fuzzy Logic Episode Tweet 8 Mar 2011, Accessed 05 June 2016
  2. Last Fuzzy Logic Episode Tweet 29 Jan 2014, Accessed 05 June 2016
  3. Fuzzy Logic End Tweet 6 Mar 2014, Accessed 05 June 2016
  4. Entry on Ursa Major Awards website Accessed 13 June 2018