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Status Ongoing
First iteration Dec 30, 2017-Jan 1, 2018
Organizer(s) Flussfussels e. V.
Charity Ongoing
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Furvester resources

Furvester is an international furry convention held around New Year's Eve in the region of Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The name is a portmanteau word of "furry" and the German word for New Year's Eve (Silvester).


The idea for the convention was founded in 2016 at Eurofurence 22 by DASPRiD and Flint.

Year Dates Attendees Venue Theme Charity Collected Amount
2017 Dec 30 - Jan 1 126 Jugendherberge Stuttgart Neckarpark New Year's Eve None -
2018 Dec 29 - Jan 1 212 Hotel Fortuna Reutlingen/Tübingen Snowy Paradise Animal Shelter Maria Höffner € 2,600.00
2019 Dec 28 - Jan 1 341 Hotel Fortuna Reutlingen/Tübingen Heroes and Mythical Creatures Alternative Wolf and Bear Park Black Forest € 5,000.00
2020 Dec - Jan (0) (cancelled due to COVID-19) (cancelled due to COVID-19) (cancelled due to COVID-19) € -
2021 Dec - Jan (0) (cancelled due to COVID-19) (cancelled due to COVID-19) (cancelled due to COVID-19) € -
2022 Dec 28 - Jan 1 475 Hotel Fortuna Reutlingen/Tübingen Mission to Mars Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V € 6,969.69
2023 Dec 28 - Jan 1 639 Hotel Fortuna Reutlingen/Tübingen Mad Science Vaihingen/Enz Animal Shelter € 10,000.00
2024 Dec 29 - Jan 2 791 Hotel Fortuna Reutlingen/Tübingen Into the Cyberspace De Poezenboot € 12,345.00

Furvester 2017[edit]

The first edition of Furvester took place from December 30, 2017 to January 1 2018 at the youth hostel Stuttgart Neckarpark, located in the district of Bad Cannstatt in Stuttgart. It was hosting 126 attendees and ran under the unofficial theme "New Year's Eve".

It already featured a few usual events like fursuit games, but also specials like the organized fireworks. A true highlight was the convention-organized bar, which was completely free for all attendees.

Furvester 2018[edit]

In 2018 Furvester left the city of Stuttgart and moved about fifty kilometers to the south. The Fortuna hotel in Reutlingen-Tübingen was chosen to further host the convention. This year the attendee almost doubled and hit 212 in the end. The theme of this edition was "Snowy Paradise".

In addition to the usual entertainment, the "Dinner Fur One" play was performed and a gala dinner was organized in collaboration with the hotel. However, an unsufficient stock of food at the buffet caused a scandal, which the organizers and the hotel were able to quickly resolve by ordering a large amount of family pizzas to feed all the furries.

This was also the first year Furvester was running a charity for the animal shelter "Maria Höffner Landau", where it managed to collect a total of 2,600 Euro.

Furvester 2019[edit]

Furvester returned to the Fortuna Hotel in Reutlingen for a second time with a final attendee count of 341. That year it was running under the theme "Heroes and Mythical Creatures".

It expanded on the previous programming, and delivered special events like a completely original fursuit theater play, an introduction play in the opening ceremony and a special concert by Cosmik and Rhubarb the Bear. It also featured the first official charity, this time supporting the "Alternative Wolf and Bear Park Black Forest" with a grand total of € 5,000.00, almost doubling the amount from the last year.

Furvester 2020[edit]

The convention was again scheduled to be held at the Fortuna Hotel from December 30 to January 3, with the theme being "Mission to Mars". The convention was ultimately cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a replacement convention due to be announced "as soon as things have returned to normal".[1]

Furvester 2021[edit]

The convention was again scheduled to be held at the Fortuna Hotel from December to January, with the theme being "Mission to Mars". The convention was ultimately cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a replacement convention due to be announced "as soon as things have returned to normal."

Furvester 2022[edit]

Furvester was held Dec 28, 2022 to Jan 1, 2023, at the Hotel Fortuna in Reutlingen for a third time. It ran under the theme "Mission to Mars" - finally. The Guest of Honor was Rivalmit and the charity was Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V..

Furvester 2023[edit]

Furvester 5 was scheduled for December 28, 2023 to January 1, 2024. The theme was "Mad Science".

Furvester 2024[edit]

Furvester 6 was scheduled for December 29, 2024 to January 2, 2025. The theme will be "Into the Cyberspace".

Furvester 2025[edit]

Furvester 7 is scheduled for December 29, 2025 to January 2, 2026. The theme will be "Furvester 007 - Code Name: Tails".

Board of Directors[edit]

The current Board of Directors consists of the following people:


  1. "Furvester - Announcements". September 22, 2020. Retrieved on October 26, 2020.

External links[edit]

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