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Furternity at Anthrocon 2014's Dance Competition.

Furternity is a fursuit dance crew started by Atsu Fawx in 2013. Other members are enjoiPANDAS, Finn Furr, Flipsta, Ikato, Imaginary Skye la Lux, Sadarius Wolf and Trenton Reinhardt.[1]

They won the Veteran divison at MFF 2013 Fursuit dance competition.[2]; and the group Fursuit Dance Competition at FWA 2014[3] , AC 2014, and MFF 2015.

See also[edit]


  1. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/furternity
  2. https://twitter.com/midwestfurfest/status/404720251675627520
  3. FWA2014 Fursuit Dance Competition - FULL - Furry Weekend Atlanta.

External links[edit]

Furry Dance Community
Dance Crews
FURReal · Furternity · Last-Fur-One · MFD · Furocity
Dancer Furs.jpeg
Notable Dancers
Alflor Aalto · Apollo Husky · Aquarius Crystalwave · Atsu Fawx · Brenda Banks · Camo Rovak · DEX · Dantee · Daverab · Diggy Roo · Doryuu · Faolan · Flinch · Fluke Husky  · iBolt · Imaginary Skye la Lux · JD Puppy · Khord Kitty · Kiyo Redflux · Kwik · Mangusu · Media · Mozee · Nekomon · Neo PanTyger · Nexus Folf (Gale Frostbane) · Rahne Kallon · Recca · Rei Meerkat · Ronnie · Phorone Sarosa · Sadarius Wolf · Sekki · Kiba Pasqua (Shyybunny) · SiberHamster · Silver Wolf · Skroy · Spark Wolf · AlbinoTopaz (Tayerr) · Theome · Tygs · Ino (Telephone) · Twitch Da Woof · Tylan Fusky (Ty Fusky) · Tyzin · Wolf Pup TK · Zakari · Zillion Ross

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